Scales of Justice

Our research

We're setting standards globally through our high quality, internationally renowned research.

Our key strengths

Ethics, sustainability and social responsibility need to be at the forefront of every decision. Our academics are tackling some of the planet’s greatest threats head on. So everything you learn prepares you for taking on the complex challenges of tomorrow. You can read more about our focus areas below.

Scales of Justice
Water droplet

It's all about people

Dr Caroline Cauchi

Dr Caroline Cauchi

Senior Lecturer in Creative Writing

Painted out? Caroline is reframing women’s stories

Dr Caroline Cauchi, is a Senior Lecturer in Creative Writing at the University of Hull. She is an international bestselling author who is passionate about researching silenced voices and restoring them to historical narratives.
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Dr Alicia Heys

Dr Alicia Heys

Modern Slavery Lecturer and Researcher

Alicia is unlocking ways to prevent modern slavery with her research

Modern Slavery Lecturer and Researcher
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Professor Dhaval Thakker

Professor Dhaval Thakker

Professor of Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things

Dhaval's passion for Responsible AI shines through

Dhaval Thakker is a Professor of Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things. His work is interdisciplinary, focusing on the use of Responsible AI and IoT technologies to support Smart Cities, Digital Health and the Circular Economy/Net Zero.
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Dr Briony McDonagh

Professor Briony McDonagh

Interim Director of the Energy and Environment Institute & Professor of Environmental Humanities

Briony is co-creating climate action through arts and culture

Briony is a historical geographer and environmental historian covering the medieval period to the modern day. Her work uses place-based creative and participatory methods to build water and climate action.
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Rebecca Williams

Dr Rebecca Williams

Reader in Volcanology

Rebecca is taking Earth Science sky high

Dr Rebecca Williams is a passionate volcanologist, dedicated to improving predictions to limit the catastrophic impact of volcanic eruptions.
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Tim Palmer

Professor Tim Palmer

Hull York Medical School Professor of Cardiovascular Biology

Tim is at the heart of improving cardiovascular care

Professor Tim Palmer is pioneering the identification of new targets for better management of cardiovascular disease, a major health concern locally and globally.
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Joy Porter

Professor Joy Porter

Professor of Indigenous and Environmental History

Joy brings history into the future

Professor Porter is a world renowned , interdisciplinary researcher and teacher of indigenous history in relation to the environment, war, modernity, literature and cultures.
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Individually. Collectively. Collaboratively

Find out more about our Postgraduate research opportunities here.

Our research strategy

At the University of Hull we’re proud of the way our people are leading research, knowledge exchange and economic development that’s building a better future for everyone – locally, nationally and internationally. We’re making a real impact. Working with our partners, our ideas, our research, our community. Read our Research Strategy to find out how we’re shaping a fairer, brighter, carbon-neutral future.   
