Participants were not told what the study was about. Half were given stories depicting bold and cunning fox behaviour and shown a short video of foxes exploring and solving food puzzles that we had left overnight in people’s back gardens.
Half the study participants were shown this three-minute video of foxes solving food puzzles.
Other participants were shown relatively neutral content, including a video of foxes walking through different landscapes.
Afterwards, all participants answered 24 questions that enabled us to evaluate their perceptions of foxes, including whether they felt fox behaviour negatively impacted their everyday lives.
Half the study participants were shown this short video of foxes walking through various habitats.
The study revealed that content about bold and cunning fox behaviour did not have a significant effect on participants’ tolerance of foxes, compared to people in the control group. In fact, across both the experimental and control groups, 83% of people displayed feelings about foxes that were more positive than negative. This suggests that participants from the experimental group remained positive despite being made aware that bold and intelligent behaviour from foxes probably explains their “pesky” interactions with people.
Previous studies have found that foxes are a very well-liked species throughout much of the UK, despite other studies suggesting that attitudes are more mixed in urban areas like London. Our latest study provides the most up-to-date evidence showing that this remains the case. However, as foxes continue to become bolder within cities, which our previous work suggests, it will become very important to continue to monitor whether (or how) attitudes change towards these animals throughout the country.
Our results illustrate that the likeability factor of foxes is deeply rooted and difficult to change just by discussing their nuisance behaviour in a single setting. Although foxes are often perceived to be bold and crafty, our online experiments showed that most people remained generally tolerant of them anyway.
By giving residents more of a voice in urban planning, solutions can be designed to encourage people to coexist with foxes without persecuting these animals, such as how to dispose of our waste properly to deter bin-raiding. This, in our view, is great news for foxes and people.
This article authored by Dr Charlotte Hopkins and Dr Blake Morton is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article here. The views or opinions expressed by individuals do not necessarily reflect those of the University.