
Centre for British Politics

The intellectual hub of British politics research at the University of Hull.

The Challenge

To be the intellectual hub of British politics research at the University of Hull, publishing and disseminating research on British government, political parties, ideas and state institutions.

The Approach

The CBP is instinctively pluralistic in its approach to the study of British politics. Historical, institutional and ideational methods of analysis are employed. Intellectual liberty and freedom of speech underpin all that we do.

Politics and Legislative Studies students at Westminster


  • To study British Governments and provide ongoing policy examination through the publication of edited collections and special issues.
  • To support the undergraduate and postgraduate study of British politics.
  • To host the Annual Norton Lecture bringing leading scholars and parliamentarians to the University of Hull.
  • To build an international network of CBP Senior Fellows.

The Impact

  • We give evidence to parliamentary committees;
  • The CBP undertakes public policy consultancy in the private sector;
  • We provide talks and presentations to schools and charities;
  • The Centre explain political questions and problems through the national and international media
  • We facilitate public engagement in questions concerning British politics by holding public lectures with leading academics and parliamentarians.


Boris Johnson
Group of people


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