Library Regulations


1. These regulations are designed to make it easy for everybody to use the services and resources of the University Library.  They apply to the Brynmor Jones Library (BJL), through which Library services and resources are delivered.  The regulations explain who can be a member of the Library, and set out your rights and responsibilities as Library members.  By observing the regulations, you can help to make sure that the resources of the Library are fairly shared and available to all our users. When you join the Library, you agree to abide by these regulations and all University policies and regulations pertaining to use of University facilities and services [i].

Who can use the Library?

Members of the University

2. The Library is intended first and foremost for members of the University.  The following categories of people are therefore entitled to full Library membership.

  • Registered students of the University of Hull, including students registered for programmes franchised by the University of Hull
  • Members of staff of the University of Hull
  • Honorary and non-staff members of staff of the University of Hull
  • Members of the Council of the University of Hull

Members of other higher and further education institutions and associated bodies

3. Registered students of the Hull York Medical School based at the University of York are treated in exactly the same way as those based at the University of Hull, and are therefore entitled to full membership of the Library.

4. People who belong to other higher and further education institutions may also be entitled to membership.  The Library participates in regional and national schemes as appropriate which enable academic staff and students of higher education institutions in the UK to enjoy varying degrees of reciprocal membership [ii].

5. Those individuals with Registered Teacher Status at the University are eligible for Associate Membership.

6. In addition, students of other higher and further education institutions who are registered for programmes of study validated by the University of Hull may be entitled to Associate membership of the Library.

Professional groups

7. Associate membership of the Library is available to the following professional groups.

  • Qualified teachers and tutors working within schoolsg in Kingston upon Hull, the East Riding of Yorkshire, North Lincolnshire, North East Lincolnshire, and in schools the University works with outside these areas; members of the administrative staff of the local education authorities of those areas, and Inspectors of Schools based in those areas.
  • Members of staff of regional NHS Trusts whose employing Trusts have taken Corporate membership of the Library; charges for Corporate membership apply annually and individuals seeking to benefit from this will be required to provide proof of status annually.

Other individuals

8. Alumni of the University of Hull, and alumni of the University of London from the former University College of Hull are entitled to Associate membership of the Library.  Alumni of the University of Hull include certificate and diploma holders at pre-degree (120 credits minimum) and postgraduate levels. Holders of university-validated awards for the completion of programmes of study undertaken at partner colleges are not entitled to Associate membership under this definition. Your prior student account must be in good standing with all fines and materials settled.

9. Retired members of staff of the University of Hull are entitled to Associate membership of the Library. Your prior staff account must be in good standing with all fines and materials settled.

10. Individuals seeking sanctuary through the asylum system, resettlement routes or similar are eligible for Associate membership. Applicants may be at any stage in the asylum process.

11. Individuals who have a specific need to use the Library may apply for Associate membership.  The acceptance of an application for Associate membership is determined by University Library management.  Day visitor access is also available for ad hoc use of the Library.

Charges for membership

12. Membership of the Library is free of charge to all members of the University as defined in paragraph 2 above, to registered students of the Hull York Medical School based at the University of York, and to students on validated programmes where membership have been agreed. Members of other higher and further education institutions are normally given free membership under the schemes described in paragraph 4 above.  Associate membership for retired members of staff and individuals seeking sanctuary, as described in paragraphs 8 and 9, respectively, is also provided without charge.  Members of staff of regional NHS Trusts whose Library membership is covered by the Corporate membership of their employing Trusts do not pay an individual fee.

13. Alumni as described in paragraph 7 above are entitled to free Associate membership for reference purposes; there is a charge of £50 per annum for borrowing. 

14. The Library normally makes a charge for individual Associate membership as described in paragraph 10 above. Whilst membership is free for reference purposes, there is a charge of £75 per annum for borrowing.

15. The University reserves the right to alter these charges.  Please note that Associate membership does not include off-campus access to the majority of our electronic resources because this is not permitted under the terms of our licences for these resources.  Walk-in access is available to a subset of eResources, dependent on licence terms.

Joining and Accessing the Library

16. Everyone who wishes to become a member of the Library must be registered as such and must have a recognised membership card: such a card may be physical or digital in accordance with University practice.

17. Members of the University as defined in paragraph 2 above, students of the Hull York Medical School based at the University of York, and students on validated programmes as defined in paragraph 5 above, automatically obtain membership of the Library on joining the University or registering as a student.

18. All other categories of people as specified in paragraphs 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 above must register directly with the Library.  You will need proof of identity, and in the case of individual applications for Associate membership you may be asked for a reference.

19. Your staff, student or Associate membership card is very important, whether physical or digital: you will need it to make full use of the Library. You must never allow your card to be used by anyone else: if you are found to be using a card that does not belong to you, staff have the right to block or retain the card to prevent unauthorised use.

Borrowing from the Library [iii]

20. Most books and other items held within the Brynmor Jones Library can be borrowed.  The regulations in the following sections describe how this is supported.

21. If you want to borrow any item from the Library, you must ensure that it is properly issued to you before you take it away from the Library.  The loan is recorded on the Library management system, and you are offered an emailed receipt showing when the item must be returned.  Once an item has been issued to you, you remain fully responsible for it until it has been returned.  Different items are lent for variable periods depending on the level of demand for them.  

22. Staff have the right to inspect any books or other Library items that you attempt to take out of the Library.  If you are found trying to remove items that have not been issued to you, you may be reported for further action under the University’s Codes of Conduct.

23. You must return items that you have borrowed from the Library by the due dates. Please retain the return receipt. The due dates for individual items you have borrowed can be checked online.  You will be fined if books or other items that are on loan to you are returned late. Fines are explained in paragraph 29 below.

24. Most items can be renewed for a further period. However, items reserved by another user must be returned by the due date. Borrowing privileges may be withheld if reserved items are returned late.

25. Items on loan may be recalled if reserved by someone else. You must return items by the date shown on the recall notice emailed to you.  You will be fined if you do not do so.

26. If you need a book or other item that is on loan to someone else, you can place a reservation online or at a library service point.  You will be notified by email when it is available for collection.  Library staff are entitled to recall items on loan that have been reserved by someone else.

27. Some items cannot be borrowed at all.  This applies mainly to material in the reference collection, to current issues of periodicals, and to past issues of periodicals in certain areas.  However, Library management has the right to designate any item as non-borrowable, or to allow items that cannot normally be borrowed to be borrowed under special circumstances.

How many items can you borrow?

28. The number of items you can borrow from the Library depends on the category of Library membership to which you belong.  Details of the level of borrowing permitted are displayed on the Library web pages.  The Library reserves the right to alter the levels of borrowing to meet customer need.

Loan periods and fine rates

29. The loan periods for books and other items vary according to the demand for them. Some items may not be borrowed at all. Details of loan periods are displayed on the Library web pages.

30. Fines are charged on all overdue items.  Current fine rates are displayed on the library web pages.  If you owe more than a certain amount in fines or other charges, you will be prevented from further borrowing: this may be adjusted at the discretion of Library management.  All members of the Library are liable to fines for the late return of books.

Behaviour in the Library

31. We aim to maintain a calm and purposeful study environment in the Library.  A few simple rules help to make this possible.  The following activities are therefore forbidden throughout the building:

  • Loud conversations or other disturbances
  • Rude or threatening behaviour towards other Library members or Library staff
  • Smoking and vaping

32. Library members are expected to respect the study environment of the Library at all times. 

33. Food must not be consumed in the Reading Room, which is maintained as a silent study area. Prior permission should be sought regarding the consumption of food in teaching or event spaces within the Library. In keeping with maintaining a purposeful study environment, the Library encourages that only bottled or sealed drinks are consumed in all other Library areas. 

34. You are responsible for the care of the books or other items you use.  You must not mark or mutilate books or other items in any way.  You are liable for the costs of repairing or replacing any items you lose or damage, and any associated administrative costs.

35. You are not allowed to reserve individual work spaces in the Library except through formal Library booking services. It is not permitted to ‘lock’ computer workstations preventing use by others.  Library staff will clear away and re-shelve any books left out in the Library.

36. Library members must observe copyright law [iv], and the terms of any licences for digital material they use [v].


37. In addition to sanction for the unauthorised removal of books from the Library as described in paragraph 21 above, and for the late return of books as described in paragraph 29 above, Library management is empowered to impose appropriate penalties if you breach Library regulations.  The Librarian will act in accordance with University guidance in addressing such breaches, in keeping with the University’s Codes of Conduct.  These penalties can include suspension of membership.  

Changes to Library Regulations

38. Changes to Library Regulations may be made from time to time, subject to the approval of the Senate of the University.  Approved changes come into immediate effect.

June 2024




[ii] For example,



[v] See descriptions at for details