Skills Team

Supporting your academic success

The Skills Team run a hybrid service with on-campus and online support. Please contact us if you have any queries or need help accessing our support using the Study Skills Query form.

Brynmor Jones Library opening hours and updates are viewable on the Library Homepage

Featured resource:

University Templates for theses and dissertations on our MS Word webpage

Don't struggle to make your document look professional - using the templates will take the stress out of producing a submittable document.

Thesis and dissertation templates

Our service

What do the Skills Team do

The Skills Team is here to help you develop academic and digital skills to support and enhance your studies and research. We cover study, writing, referencing, resource discovery, analysis, presentation and ICT skills. We support this through personal appointments, workshops, webinars and online guides, all of which can be accessed through this website.

What online support is on offer

We have a growing range of webinars that can be accessed as part of our workshop programme. These cover the same content as our on campus workshops, but are delivered online. We also offer online, telephone and email appointments. 

What evening and weekend support is on offer

During trimester 1 and 2 we offer a programme of weekend workshops and appointments. We also run evening webinars. If you can't make it onto campus, you may also find our online, telephone and email appointments useful. 

Where do I find the Skills Team

The Skills Team is based in the Brynmor Jones Library and you can access all of our services through this website.

When you book an appointment, you will receive directions to a room on the first floor of the library. Our Welcome Desk staff will be happy to give you directions if needed.

Our workshops run in a range of rooms across campus so always check your booking carefully. Many run in our Skills Rooms on the ground floor of the Library opposite the Welcome Desk (next to the Art Gallery).

Do you offer proofreading?

The Skills Team is not a proofreading service, but we do provide advice on how to develop this skill yourself. See our proofreading page on our SkillsGuides.

You should never need to pay anyone to proofread your work, because the University provides a lot of support and advice to help you learn how to proofread your own work. However, we have produced some guidance for you and the proofreader if you decide to pay for a proofreading service.