If you have been sexually assaulted, harassed or are supporting someone who has been, it can be difficult to know where to turn to for support. No matter what has happened, it is not your fault and what you do next is your choice. At the University of Hull, we are committed to ensuring that our students receive appropriate support and guidance following any incident of sexual violence, assault or harassment.
Our specialist wellbeing advisors work within our Mental Health and Wellbeing Service and specialise in supporting and preventing sexual misconduct & Harassment. Their role is to support students by providing; emotional support; advice and guidance about internal and external reporting options; supporting with managing the impact on studies and other aspects of life; help to access other services within the university and in the wider community; adjustments to teaching and learning and advice and help with accommodation and finances.
You can access our team regardless of whether the experience has happened whilst at university or before joining us. Our specialist wellbeing advisers do not provide therapy or counselling but will help you to access this from local services if needed.
To access an advisor please complete our pathways to support form.
Blue Door
Blue Door are a specialist service that provide support to anyone who has experienced sexual violence. They provide Independent Sexual Violence Advisers who offer information provision, advocacy, onward referrals, information on safety and security and support through court.
You can book an appointment directly with blue door or an adviser can help by referring you. Blue door can arrange to see you on campus so let them know you’re a student if you’d prefer that option.
Find out more by visiting The Blue Door.
Helpline: 0800 1974787
Email: info@thebluedoor.org
A list of local and national support services can be found here.
There are several ways you can report sexual violence, assault or harassment. Whether you report and who you report to is completely your choice, we will support you whatever you decide.
If you are not in immediate danger, you can call the police on 101 to make a report and a Police Officer will arrange to meet with you to take a statement. If you are in immediate danger you can call 999 for assistance.
Our team will talk you through all reporting options including what options are available to you if the perpetrator is also a student. If you decide you want to report the incident to our student misconduct team, our specialist wellbeing adviser will support you through the process including helping you to understand the potential outcomes.