The Library offers extra services for part-time and distance learners.
Library membership
You do not need to register separately with the Library. Your student card is also your Library card. Keep your card with you at all times as you may need to refer to the ID number on the card when contacting the Library by phone, email or via the Internet. You will also need your student card if you visit the Library in person.
Postal loans
Students living in the UK or Ireland may request books be posted to their home address.
Students must pay the postal charges for returning the books to the Library. It is recommended that you use a secure and traceable method of returning books by post, for example, recorded delivery.
To make a request, contact the Library.
Copies of journal articles or book chapters
Students are allowed to request copies of journal articles or chapters of books. These will be provided in either an electronic PDF format, or a paper photocopy at the discretion of the Library. UK Copyright Laws restricts photocopying to no more than one chapter of a book or 10% of the whole book, whichever is greater and not more than one article from a single issue of a journal for each user.
To make a request, complete an inter-library loan request for each item, providing all the information requested to help avoid delays in the processing of your request.
Distance learners
Number per year
Postal loans
BJL (University Library)
Chapter or article copy
BJL or British Library
Part-time learners
Number per year
Postal loans
BJL (University Library)
Chapter or article copy
BJL or British Library
If you wish to go above these allocations, you will be responsible for any associated costs (see inter-library loan requests information).
Using other libraries in the UK
How to search and visit other university and public libraries.