Skills for Study

Accessing Skills for Study

You can access Skills for Study through Canvas. The button below will allow you to add Skills for Study to your dashboard: 


About Skills for study

Skills for Study offers an interactive and personalised solution to help you develop your academic skills.

  • Use diagnostic tests to identify and focus on the most beneficial areas
  • Access interactive and multi-media content to develop your learning
  • Use exercises and module assessments to test your understanding and solidify your knowledge 
  • Monitor your progress to see how far you've come


Where to start

Based on the work of Stella Cottrell, the bestselling author of The Study Skills Handbook, Skills for Study is designed to support you in developing essential academic and study skills. We recommend you start with the diagnostic tests to identify your strengths and areas of development. This will help you prioritise which units to focus on.

As you work through the content, you may decide to take the end of module quiz to see how far you've developed. You can also re-take the diagnositic tests to see how you've improved. 

Skills for Study is super accessible, working with the latest assistive technology. 

Available modules

Skills for Study covers all of the essential skills for university study. We have access to the following:

  • Getting ready for academic study
  • Time management
  • Critical thinking skills
  • Writing skills
  • Studying online collection
  • The Skills for Study Blog