Archive collections

Find and use archive material for your research or teaching activities.

Archives at the Hull History Centre

The Hull History Centre (HHC) is home to thousands of unique physical archive collections, which are managed by Hull University Archives and Hull City Archives & Local Studies Library.

For opening times, visitor information, and other practical information, please visit the Hull History Centre’s website.

Teaching support

Our archivists are available to deliver in-course archival skills sessions and tours of the Hull History Centre. Guidance on incorporating archives into your learning and teaching activities.

Useful skills guides

Guides to help your research at the Hull History Centre or on open-access online archives.

Transfer records to the archives

Do you have records relating to the history of the University? Please see our guidance on transferring records to the University Archives.

Contact the archives team

Need further information about any of these collections? Our archivists are happy to meet in person at the Hull History Centre or online, via Teams, to discuss your specific requirements and to help you identify relevant material for your research or teaching activites.

Contact the Hull University Archives team at