
Our Research and Knowledge Exchange Teams

The Research & Enterprise directorate has been a key part of the University's mission since it was founded. We support our researchers in working together to achieve research excellence and impact, helping to deliver the University's vision of a fairer, brighter and carbon neutral future. A vision that aims to significantly increase our level of research and Knowledge Exchange (KE) related activities, outputs and impact as part of an ambitious strategic plan.  

We support and facilitate high-quality academic research and KE through strategy and policy development, working closely with our academic community. The team support our researchers to achieve excellence in their research and to maximise impact and KE. We also support academics to access funding, form new collaborations and partnerships, to consider, develop and implement procedures for intellectual property (IP) and the technology transfer and commercialisation of research outcomes.

We aim to maximise the impact of publicly or privately funded research on society; to maximise our exposure and income through enterprise activities; to advise on policy, compliance, and contracting processes and procedures; and to manage our Research Excellence Framework (REF) and Knowledge Exchange Framework (KEF) returns. The Research and Enterprise team also manage the research and KE information systems essential to support, manage and report on research and KE activities across the University.

Want to find out more about how we can work together? Contact us at

Pila Pousada Solino

Pilar Pousada Solino

Director of Research and Innovation

Emma Calverley photo Sept 20

Emma Calverley

Director of Knowledge Exchange


Professor Liz Walker

Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research Culture)


The Research Excellence, Governance and Impact Team (REGI) is broadly responsible for managing the governance of research, including central research policies and processes, providing advice and guidance on interpretation of research policies in areas such as research ethics and integrity, security sensitive research, misconduct in research, and more.

The team also reviews applications for sponsorship of research involving the NHS, local authorities, HMPPS, MoD; oversees research registers; and provides training and guidance on responsibilities of researchers and research teams. The team is also responsible for research excellence and administers the REF, with a view to maximising overall performance; supports the strategic and operational planning of research management, and performance monitoring; reports on research performance data, and seeks to maximise the impact of QR and other related funds.

In addition, the team works to maximise non-academic impact from research, providing advice and support to academics on the preparation of impact case studies; delivering training on how to plan-in impact; and managing university schemes to support the development of impact.


Research AND INNOVATION Development team

Welcome to Research and Innovation Development Team (RIDT)

The RIDT ​provides support to strategic initiatives that help identify, collate and cultivate activities that deliver on the University’s research priorities and strategy.  ​​We can help manage and support the development of large strategic funding applications. We achieve this by facilitating interactions between academics, funders and external academic and non-academic partners. We also develop opportunities for cross faculty, research institute and departmental collaborations and interdisciplinary research, but also support individual academics to achieve their research aspirations. 

For general enquiries email

Research AND Innovation Funding Office

The Research and Innovation Funding Office (RIFO) is the University support service dedicated to helping academics to secure external funding for research and innovation activities. We can help academics to develop project budgets, coordinate partner costs, provide advice and guidance on funder requirements and eligibility, as well as acceptance of awards and administrating the contract negotiation stages on behalf of our academic community.

For general enquiries email:


Research and Innovation Contracts Team

The Research and Innovation Contracts Team draft, negotiate and review all contracts with research funders, companies and other partners related to the research and commercialisation portfolio. 

For general enquiries email

For general enquiries emaill
Knowledge Exchange

For general enquiries e-mail

For IP queries e-mail

For Student Start-up queries e-mai:

Emma Calverley

Director of Knowledge Exchange

Amy Bilton

Senior Business Development Lead

Joseph Bishop

Head of Executive Education and CPD

Lynne MacDonald

Head of KE Operations

David Robinson

KTP Manager

Christina Willmotte

HIKE Manager

Faculty business leads
Research Systems and Data team
Research Culture and Researcher Development  Team