On Campus Events
05/11/2021 Noon - 2pm
Live Streaming of ‘On the Edge’
Middleton Hall, University of Hull campus
A live streaming of the National Youth Theatre performance, enabling staff, students and the public to experience this exciting COP26 event.
Following exploratory workshops with Energy and Environment Institute researchers, young people from NYT’s national network present On The Edge. An exploration of young people’s eco-anxiety in the face of climate uncertainty through a performance of spoken word, poetry, music and short film.
Please book for this event via our eventbrite page.
Live Events at COP26
Events in the Cop26 Green Zone
Glasgow Science Centre, 50 Pacific Quay, Glasgow G51 1EA, UK
02/11/2021 2:00 pm - 4:30 pm
SuDSi - engaging communities with flood risk management
COP26 Universities Stand, Green Zone
Hiatt Jackson from our Flood Innovation Centre is taking an interactive exhibit - the SuDS Interactor - designed to help participants explore and understand Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SuDS). These are a tool that can be used by individuals and wider society to help manage the flow of water in our communities and help mitigate increased flood risks caused by climate change.
03/11/2021 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm
Mytopia - green city builder
COP26 Universities Stand, Green Zone
A visually attractive, fun and thought-provoking online simulation game that enables players to build a “green city". Originally created as part of The Waterline, a partnership between the University of Hull and Marketing Humber.
05/11/2021 12.30pm - 2pm
National Youth Theatre present 'On the Edge'
Tower Base South, Green Zone
Following exploratory workshops with Energy and Environment Institute researchers, young people from NYT’s national network present On The Edge. An exploration of young people’s eco-anxiety in the face of climate uncertainty through a performance of spoken word, poetry, music and short film.
The performance will also be live streamed to Middleton Hall at the University of Hull, as well as via social media channels.
05/11/2021 3.40pm - 5pm
Crabby's Reef: Exploring Ocean Acidification
COP26 Universities Stand, Green Zone
Dr Christina Roggatz will help participants understand the hidden effects of climate change on our oceans through gaming. Crabby’s Reef cleverly represents how living in a future ocean might feel for marine life.
Hybrid Events
31/10 - 12/11/2021
Strathclyde University Innovation Showcase – Images of innovation
Ramshorn Theatre (Green Zone) and throughout the Green Zone
Or View Online
An exhibition curated by Strathclyde University of behalf of the COP26 Universities Network to demonstrate the range of climate change innovation in UK academia.
A number of EEI and University of Hull projects are included:
- Hedgerows or climate change heroes? from Josh Wolstenholme
- Vanishing landscapes from Dr Roberto Fernandez
- Refuel: Next generation solid fuels from Dr Martin Taylor as part of the THYME Project
- A greener future for transport from Dr Xuebin Ke as part of the THYME Project
- Masters of cool, or cooling! from Dr Zishang Zhu, of the Centre for Sustainable Energy Technologies
Online Events
UKRI showcase: Can films save the planet?
Katie Parsons will speak at this UKRI virtual event, which showcases the latest climate-related research films. She will be speaking about her award-shortlisted film INSECURE, alongside two other nominees in this online panel discussion. She will discuss the power of storytelling through film to drive behaviour change; and the role of arts and humanities research in helping us to understand and tackle the complex human factors connected to climate change.
Follow this link to book your place.
COP26 Universities Network Briefings
Energy and Environment Institute Director, Professor Dan Parsons, is part of the editing team that at the COP26 Universities Network that has produced a range of briefing papers on subjects relating to climate change and its mitigation.
Please follow this link to view the briefings.
Climate Change and the Skills Shortage
The Energy and Environment Institute and the Aura team at the University of Hull are at the forefront of developing an essential talent pipeline for the renewables sector, which is essential if the UK is to meet its zero carbon targets.
Read this article on the importance of the skills shortage to the green economy from Aura's John Weir.