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Energy and Environment Institute postgraduate training for a greener future

You could not choose a better place to study than the University of Hull. The Humber is the UK’s ‘Energy Estuary’ and a focal point for the renewables industry as well as innovations in flood resilience. This is your chance to benefit society, work with industry, drive innovation and help develop a sustainable zero-carbon future.

The Energy and Environment Institute’s core focus on combatting the climate crisis and its effects on our planet shapes our postgraduate programme of training and research opportunities.

To help find solutions to the energy crisis and work towards a more flood resilient future we recognise the need to help train and encourage tomorrow’s environmentally aware leaders.

Our programmes have been informed by the needs of industry and society, building on Energy and Environment Institute expertise, which has made tremendous contributions to tackling climate change, including environmental resilience and energy sustainability.

Video: Hull and the Humber's role in the climate crisis and flood resilience

Postgraduate training to equip you for a greener, more resilient future


Masters Level Programmes 


MSc Flood Risk Management

With an uncertain future climate, there's a global demand for a new generation of flood risk professionals. Our new MSc in Flood Risk Management, developed in consultation with key industry partners, builds on the University’s expertise in flooding to understand the application of innovative new approaches to managing flood risk and promoting greater resilience for communities around the world. You will learn from the University of Hull’s expertise around the drivers and impacts of flood hazards, to gain an understanding of innovative new approaches to flood risk management, equipping you for a career in the rapidly expanding flood risk sector.

Find out more

Watch our recent webinar to hear from the course leader and tutors and find out more about this innovative Master's programme. Watch now and find out more.


MSc Renewable Energy

Our MSc in Renewable Energy and Low Carbon Solutions will give you an understanding of a range of technologies, such as wind, tidal, solar and hydro-power. You will develop an understanding of the research and analytical skills relevant to renewable energy resource analysis, as well as learning key professional skills such as project management, presentations and group work. There is a strong industrial component, including site visits, guest speakers from industry and the use of 'real-world' examples making you highly employable for careers in industry, consultancy, government, academia or NGOs, both nationally and internationally. The programme is also ideal for students interested in further research.

Find out more

Watch our recent webinar to hear from the course leader and tutors and find out more about this innovative Master's programme. Watch now and find out more.



Postgraduate Research

The Energy and Environment Institute offers Masters and PhD-level Research Degrees, in partnership with all University of Hull Faculties. We currently have students working on cross-disciplinary research intersecting environmental issues with law, education, health and many more. Carry out your PhD research with us and benefit from a supportive environment with access to a network of research experts and the full scope of the University's cutting-edge facilities, including the Aura Innovation Centre. 

Send us an email if you're interested in undertaking a Masters or PhD-level Research Degree with the Energy and Environment Institute.

The Energy and Environment Institute also leads on a number of PhD research centres, offering funded scholarships for exceptional candidates:


Funded PhD Scholarships in Offshore Wind Energy & the Environment

The EPSRC (CDT) in Offshore Wind Energy Sustainability and Resilience is led by the Energy and Environment Institute at the University of Hull, with partners Durham, Loughborough and Sheffield Universities. Working closely with over 40 industry partners, the Offshore Wind CDT is training future leaders for the offshore wind industry. With funding for 65 PhD scholarships starting between 2024-28, the CDT supports innovation to drive the sustainable expansion of the offshore wind (OSW) industry in the Humber region and beyond.

Applications will reopen shortly for September 2025 entry, visit the CDT website for information on our research scholarship projects.


Leverhulme Doctoral Scholarships Centre in Water Cultures

The University of Hull Leverhulme Doctoral Scholarships Centre for Water Cultures is an interdisciplinary research centre exploring humanity’s relationships with water in the green-blue regions of the world, past, present and future.

It pioneers a new, humanities-led, interdisciplinary and transhistorical research area – the green-blue humanities – and equips a new generation of PhD students to take this agenda forward and transform our understanding of humanity's relationships with water.

Find out more

Watch our recent webinar to hear from the course leader and tutors and find out more about this innovative Master's programme. Watch now and find out more.


Panorama DTP in Environmental Science

The University of Hull is a partner in the Panorama Doctoral Training Programme in Environmental Science with the Universities of Leeds and York.

Find out more

Watch our recent webinar to hear from the programme leader, PhD supervisors and current Panorama PhD students. Watch now and find out more.


Humber Present and Future PhD Cluster

The Humber Present and Future Cluster of PhD research links with the Interreg-funded Immerse project, addressing multiple estuary management challenges. It also aims to provide an evidence base for the new Humber Flood Risk Management Strategy that is being prepared by the Environment Agency, the Humber Local Enterprise Partnership and 12 local authorities. The projects address eco-engineering approaches to improving flood defence and enhancing decarbonisation, as well as the potential for rewilding to enhance the resilience of the estuarine ecosystem, using the Humber as an exemplar. These projects will feed into the ambitious new Strategy that aims to support sustainable development and a prosperous Humber by redefining the strategic approach to managing tidal flood risk, setting the direction for the next 100 years and keeping pace with sea level rise.


Living with Water: Perceptions, Processes, Responses and Mitigation of Flooding

This cluster of five PhD students is focusing on better understanding the impacts of flooding and improving the approaches to mitigating flood risk to societies. Improved understanding of the impacts of flooding requires an improved understanding of the processes leading to flooding and the processes active during floods; from the changes in fluxes of water and debris, through to emergency responders’ and the public’s behaviour and perception in response to flood events.


Plastics in the Environment Research Cluster

This cluster of seven PhD students are working towards understanding some of the urgent issues caused by microplastics in the marine environment along with our partners in both the Arctic and Antarctic, the British Overseas Territories, South East Asia and the UK.

The cluster takes a ‘source to sink’ approach, covering a wide range of topics: from modelling flows of microplastic particles through major rivers and into the oceans, how plastic changes composition when exposed to environmental conditions, the impacts of microplastics on remote and local food webs to how individual animals respond, behaviourally and physiologically, to chemicals given off by plastics as they decompose.


Other on-going research projects

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