students at the courtyard accommodation

Adjusting to University Life


Morgan R

Moving to university is a really exciting step, but it is a big change that isn’t always easy to adjust to.

The first few days may be overwhelming so it’s not unusual to feel lost or lonely at some point along the way. This may be something that hits you days or weeks into the big change so it’s worth having some tips to reflect on for when you feel you’re struggling to adjust.

Our Campus
students outside of westfield court accommodation

Talk to your flatmates

Plucking up the courage to step out of your room for the first few times may seem daunting but it isn’t as bad as you may think. Just remember that in most cases everyone will probably feel nervous after all, you’re all in the same boat. Try to sit in the common areas when you feel up to it as it will be beneficial to create friendships with the people you’re living with especially during the first few weeks.

Go explore

Exploring Hull will help you overcome your homesickness and is also a great way to bond with your housemates if you go together. There’s some lovely cafes and shops on Newland Avenue or you can venture a little further and have a trip into town centre.

students walking around the marina
Hull Marina
WelcomeFest societies and volutneering fair

Get Involved

Get involved in a sports team or society. There are so many different sports teams and societies to choose from. Whether you want to carry on a hobby you already have or try something new, there are so many different options and many of these teams will be hosting taster sessions during freshers week where you can try the activity. Most societies will post details on their social media pages and often have dedicated pages for freshers. This is a great way to meet new people with common interests to you.

Remember its okay to feel homesick

Don’t feel guilty for missing home, it isn’t a weakness or something to beat yourself up about and I’m sure many people around you will feel the same. Give yourself time to process how you feel, it may help to speak to loved ones at home regularly that being said, try not to speak to them too often. Finding a good balance is important to allow yourself to settle in. The best advice I can give on this is to keep busy and if you start to feel homesick try to make plans with a friend or flatmate to help distract you.

Hull Cream Phonebox
You can always phone home if you need to!

Enjoy this time because honestly the year will fly and will be over before you know it!

Blog by: Morgan R
