Professor Robin Pearson

Professor Robin Pearson

Professor of Economic History

Faculty and Department

  • Faculty of Business, Law and Politics
  • Hull University Business School


  • PhD / DPhil (University of Leeds)


Professor Pearson holds a Masters degree from the University of Edinburgh and a PhD from the University of Leeds. He has published widely on aspects of the British and European insurance industry and on themes such as financial services innovation, capital formation, corporate governance, business networking and moral hazard in a range of international journals including Economic History Review, Business History Review and Business History. His publications have been awarded the Newcomen-Harvard Article Award for Business History in 2002, the Wadsworth Prize for Business History in 2004 and the Ralph Gomory Prize for Business History in 2013.

Recent outputs

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Knowing One's Place: Community and Class in the Industrial Suburbs of Leeds during the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries

Pearson, R. (in press). Knowing One's Place: Community and Class in the Industrial Suburbs of Leeds during the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries. Thoresby Society

Delusions of Competence: The Near-Death of Lloyd's of London 1970 - 2002

Pearson, R. (2022). Delusions of Competence: The Near-Death of Lloyd’s of London 1970 - 2002. Palgrave Macmillan.

Book Chapter

The Bubble Act and the First Corporate Economy

Pearson, R. (2023). The Bubble Act and the First Corporate Economy. In H. Paul, N. Di Liberto, & D. Coffman (Eds.), The Bubble Act : New Perspectives from Passage to Repeal and Beyond (13-36). Palgrave Macmillan.

Journal Article

Economic and environmental conditions for the diffusion of insurance in three non-Euro-American regions during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries

Pearson, R., Daudi, F., Kocher, E., & Musterle, C. (online). Economic and environmental conditions for the diffusion of insurance in three non-Euro-American regions during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Asia-Pacific Journal of Risk and Insurance,

Normative practices, narrative fallacies? International reinsurance and its history

Pearson, R. (in press). Normative practices, narrative fallacies? International reinsurance and its history. Business history,

Postgraduate supervision

Prof Pearson is interested in supervising candidates working on a range of topics in modern economic, business and financial history since 1700, including international finance, capital exports, multinational business, corporate governance, urban development and social relations, social capital, mercantile and business networks, the insurance industry, aspects of risk and risk perception, the history of natural disasters, the interface of law, business and politics. Completed PhDs - Mika Suonpaa, British Perceptions of the Balkan Slavs: Professional and Popular Categorisations before 1914 (2008) Current PhD supervisions - George Borrinaga, A History of Community Resilience and Identity Formation in Samar and Lyte, Philippines, 1621-Present - Loreta Zydeliene, Conservation Ideas and Economic Realities: Assessing the Effect of the Great Depression on the Lithuanian Forest Landscape 1918-1940

Awards and prizes

Ralph Gomory Prize for Business History

2013 - 2013

Prize for best book in business history, 2013 (Shareholder Democracies? Corporate Governance in Britain and Ireland before 1850 (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2012), co-authors Mark Freeman and James Taylor. Awarded by US Business History Conference.

Wadsworth Prize for Business History

2004 - 2005

Prize for best book in UK business history, awarded by UK Business Archives Council, November 2005, for Insuring the Industrial Revolution: Fire Insurance in Great Britain 1700-1850 (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2004).

Newcomen-Harvard Article Award for Business History

2002 - 2003

Pize for best artilce in business history, awarded by the Newcomen Society of the United States and Harvard Business School, November 2003, for “Moral Hazard and the Assessment of Insurance Risk in Eighteenth- and Early Nineteenth-Century Britain”, Business History Review, 76, no.1 (May 2002), pp. 1-35.
