Dr Bev Orton

Dr Bev Orton

Lecturer in Criminology and Sociology/ Academic Contact for Collaborative Provision

Faculty and Department

  • Faculty of Arts Cultures and Education
  • School of Criminology, Sociology and Policing


  • PhD / DPhil


Dr Bev Orton's interests include apartheid in South Africa, women's contribution to the political struggle, restorative justice and mothers, and the decriminalising of sex workers in South Africa.

She lectures on undergraduate programmes at the University and in Hong Kong. She also lectures at postgraduate level and supervises PhDs.

Dr Orton is interested in using theatre, film and photography in her research. This encouraged her to develop the Visual Sociology module.

She has made films with women's groups, such as women's refuges in Cambridge and Norfolk, and has also made films and worked in the television industry in South Africa.


- Criminological Theory

- Visual Sociology

- Understanding the Other

- Evil

- Criminal Justice Process

- Punishment and Society

- Problem of Youth

- Contemporary Perspectives of Crime and Deviance

- Figuring Out Crime

- Ethics

- Equality and Diversity

- South Africa: Women and Apartheid

- South Africa: Women, Theatre and Apartheid

- Dangerousness

- Collecting Social Data

- Sociological Theory


- Restorative Justice:

- International Perspectives

- Research

- Dissertation

Recent outputs

View more outputs

Journal Article

Unmarried Adolescents' Experiences of Using Reproductive and Maternal Health Services in Nigeria and Uganda: A Qualitative Study

Onukwugha, F., Agaba, P., Hayter, M., & Orton, B. (2022). Unmarried Adolescents’ Experiences of Using Reproductive and Maternal Health Services in Nigeria and Uganda: A Qualitative Study. Social Sciences, 11(5), Article 203. https://doi.org/10.3390/socsci11050203

Perspectives of Adolescents, Parents, Service Providers, and Teachers on Mobile Phone Use for Sexual Reproductive Health Education

Ochieng, B. M., Smith, L., Orton, B., Hayter, M., Kaseje, M., Wafula, C. O., Ocholla, P., Onukwugha, F., & Kaseje, D. C. O. (2022). Perspectives of Adolescents, Parents, Service Providers, and Teachers on Mobile Phone Use for Sexual Reproductive Health Education. Social Sciences, 11(5), Article 196. https://doi.org/10.3390/socsci11050196

Predictors of health facility childbirth among unmarried and married youth in Uganda

Agaba, P., Magadi, M., & Orton, B. (2022). Predictors of health facility childbirth among unmarried and married youth in Uganda. PLoS ONE, 17(4), Article e0266657. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0266657

The effectiveness and characteristics of mHealth interventions to increase adolescent's use of Sexual and Reproductive Health services in Sub-Saharan Africa: A systematic review

Onukwugha, F. I., Smith, L., Kaseje, D., Wafula, C., Kaseje, M., Orton, B., Hayter, M., & Magadi, M. (2022). The effectiveness and characteristics of mHealth interventions to increase adolescent's use of Sexual and Reproductive Health services in Sub-Saharan Africa: A systematic review. PLoS ONE, 17(1), Article e0261973. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0261973

Sexual and reproductive health knowledge and behaviour of adolescent boys and girls aged 10-19 years in western Kenya: Evidence from a cross-sectional pilot survey

Magadi, M., Kaseje, D., Kaseje, M., Ochola-Odhiambo, P., Ogutu-Owii, S., Wafula, C., Orton, B., Onukwugha, F., Hayter, M., & Smith, L. (2021). Sexual and reproductive health knowledge and behaviour of adolescent boys and girls aged 10-19 years in western Kenya: Evidence from a cross-sectional pilot survey. Journal of biosocial science, https://doi.org/10.1017/S0021932021000353

Lead investigator







The Pound in the Pocket


University of Hull




1 February 2019




Mothers – the silent supporters


British Academy




1 April 2016



Postgraduate supervision

Dr Orton welcomes applications for supervision in her areas of interest including South Africa, gender, restorative justice and sexuality.

Policing and sex work and sentencing of sex workers and their well being
