our team
Andrew Squire – Environmental and Energy Manager (full time)
Andrew has responsibility for the University’s Energy and Environmental Team, leading on the strategic and operational implementation of sustainability across the University.
Phil White – Energy and Environmental Lead Auditor (full time)
Phil is Stewart’s deputy, assisting with all sustainability projects - but with a focus on the University’s ISO14001 Environmental Management System.
Adam Newby – Bike Hub Manager (part time)
Adam is the University’s Bike Hub Manager. The hub offers bike hire and repairs to University staff and students.
John Findlay – Sustainable Travel (full time)
John is responsible for managing the development of the University’s sustainable travel. This includes overseeing car parking on campus, and the future implementation (summer/autumn 2017) of a car-sharing scheme designed to encourage staff and students to reduce their carbon footprint by car sharing to and from the University.
Richard Clarkson – BMS Engineer (full time)
Richard is responsible for the BMS controlling the University’s heating systems, with a focus on reducing our energy usage and carbon emissions.
Dave Hill – BMS Engineer (full time)
Dave is responsible for the BMS controlling the University’s heating systems, with a focus on reducing our energy usage and carbon emissions.
Chris Gratton – Sustainability Procurement Manager (full time)
Chris is responsible for ensuring sustainability in the University Estates Department’s supply chain.
Joe Garner – Biodiversity/Grounds Manager (full time)
Joe is responsible for the biodiversity and grounds conservation of the campus.
Fay Robinson – Environmental Communications Manager (full time)
Fay is responsible for ensuring effective communication throughout the University, the public, and other interested parties.
Robert Stratton – Head Chef (full time)
Robert is the University’s head chef and leads on sustainable food initiatives.
Richard Waudby – Head of Mechanical Engineering (full time)
Richard is responsible for embedding sustainability and environmental awareness into all mechanical projects.