online devices


Two new Digital tools to help support your Teaching and Assessment

New Mentimeter plug-in for Powerpoint 365

A new add-in has been released for Powerpoint 365 which lets you add certain types of Mentimeter questions directly into a slide within your Powerpoint presentation. These include: 

When you reach the Mentimeter slide in your presentation, you can Start Menti and the code is displayed for students to enter in their devices and you can display the results in your presentation as students enter them (if you wish).

To give it a go, see our help guide.

Buddycheck – our new peer assessment software

The University has recently invested in Buddycheck – software that works within Canvas to let you ask your students to rate and comment on the contribution of their colleagues after groupwork projects. This information can then be used to adjust their individual grades based on their groupwork assignment on Canvas.

Further information on Peer Assessment can be found on our Teaching Essentials page.

“Peer scoring of team activities is a great way to encourage all students to engage in groupwork, and it helps to overcome some of the common concerns, such as limiting the range of marks, or some people freeloading. This can also help students to look at marking schemes and think about assessment. For lecturers, it can help reduce the burden of assessment too!” Dr Neil Gordon, School of Computer Science.

To give it a go, see our help guides: ·

Buddycheck replaces software we currently use called WebPA, which will be decommissioned on 30th June. If you require access to WebPA beyond this date, please contact

Last updated
