Personalised Pedagogies: inclusive, empowering and progressive higher education for all
Tuesday 12 July 13.30 to Wednesday 13 July 14.00
All HE staff, students and stakeholders are welcome to this free, online event.
We are delighted to welcome Dr Sam Elkington NTF, PFHEA (Principal Lecturer, Learning and Teaching Excellence, Teesside University) for the opening keynote and the Hull University Student Union President of Education and President of Inclusivity and Diversity for our well-established student keynote address opening the second day. We will also host a ‘playful plenary’ led by Sara Hattersley SFHEA (Associate Professor, Academic Development Unit, University of Warwick) and a student social-media take-over.
Call for Papers - deadline Friday 25 February 2022
It is a pleasure to note that our Higher Education (HE) student population is ever diversifying. Under-and postgraduate learning communities include those from backgrounds traditionally excluded from HE, increased numbers of international students, and those returning to study to reconfigure their professional lives (UUK, 2018). At the same time, stakeholder expectations of HE are shifting (Partington, 2020): students, their sponsors, professional, scholarly and research bodies, and employers are looking for programmes of study that equip graduates with the necessary competencies to navigate the fourth industrial age in a fast-changing world (Lawrence, Huxley-Binns & Scott, 2020) with integrity (Lawrence, 2021). In a time of social, economic and environmental crisis, education has a crucial role in equipping all students to meet the challenges ahead (Liyuan, 2021). These factors call for a progressive re-imagining of HE, pedagogic practice and the student experience.
On the theme ‘Personalised Pedagogies: inclusive, empowering and progressive higher education for all’ the 2022 conference will focus on how we can create an agile and responsive curricula that offers to our diversified student body academic stretch and potential for success, builds on their varied experience and perspectives to enrich understanding of the world and widen curricula and that speaks to our stakeholders, whilst working within the systems that facilitate study and structures that safeguard the increasingly important ‘higher’ of higher education.
We will celebrate how colleagues across the globe have sustained learning community whilst attending to the educational needs and interests of individual students by deploying personalised pedagogies. Personalised pedagogies can be understood to be flexible, applied and relevant to the specific student, they are inherently inclusive (Hocking, 2010) and engaging (Jensen, 2019). They allow a student cohort, either on a module or programme of study, to share common learning goals realised through individual students’ ‘personalised journey through the curriculum’ (AdvanceHE, 2021). This personalised journey might take many forms. Subject matter, assessment method, progress through a course of study, teaching and learning approaches or specific competencies developed can all be negotiated.
HE has proved itself dynamic over recent years, COVID-19 restrictions have inspired ingenious student-centered solutions to the benefit of students (Killingback, 2021) and stakeholders (Bartels-Hardege, 2021). Is it time to enshrine this dynamism in curricula to meet the needs and expectations of our ever-evolving learning community and empower our students to progress to their graduate future with confidence?
Session themes:
We have identified conference themes but recognise some papers might traverse a number if not all. Please select a theme you think most strongly reflects your work.
Personalised Pedagogies...:
- as Social Justice: inclusive Higher Education and the benefit to those traditionally excluded from HE ;
- for Social Justice: students’ diverse perspectives widening curricula and enriching understanding of the subject; sustainable education;
- in Partnershipi: staff, students and stakeholders co-creating curricula; working on live briefs or authentic TL&A e.g. sustainable education;
- and the Digital Domain: the role of learning technologies in enhancing and/or realising personalised T&L ;
- Wild Cards: any subject that broadly fits the theme of ‘personalised pedagogies’.
Submitting a Proposal:
Please submit your proposal by Friday 25 February 2022
- Discussion papers (20 minutes). Organised into 60-minute panels of two papers, with plenty of time for discussion;
- Panels (60 minutes). Please offer a group proposal outlining a theme with brief detail of paper/s (a collection of shorter papers is welcome, please ensure there is time for discussion);
- Workshops or debates (60 minutes) Outlining a practice/approach with time for delegates to consider how it could be applied to their context;
- Pecha Kucha 1(5 minutes) Show-case presentations delivered in quick succession. A great opportunity to present work in progress (See submission pro forma for details);
- Infographic 2.
Proposals should outline practical wisdom others can learn from and/or adopt, be scholarship of teaching and learning-led or based and will be selected based on evident success or lessons learned from the initiative described.
Novel and engaging approaches to presenting work are welcome! Presentations may be pre-recorded. We welcome collaborative work, and encourage submissions from students, staff in all roles supporting teaching and learning, employers and university partners.
First-time teaching and learning conference and presenters welcome.
Footnote 1: Pecha Kucha originated in Japan, it translates to “Chit Chat” in English. Each presentation lasts for 5 minutes with just 15 slides and little or no text. After 5 minutes, the next presentation starts (even if the presenter has not finished). Pecha Kuchas are a fast-paced, fun, informal way to share ideas.
Footnote 2: All infographics will be entered into the Conference Infographic Competition. There will be a prize for the best infographic: The people's choice: voted for by conference delegates . As with session proposals, infographics are expected to present practical wisdom others can learn from and/or adopt and be scholarship of teaching and learning-led. When voting, delegates are asked to base their decision on the clarity of message, the positive impact of the work on the student experience and potential to adopt the work to their own practice.
Advance HE. A-Z, Knowledge Hub. Available online: [accessed November 2021]
Liyuan, P. (2021) Together we will make the world a better place through education. The UNESCO Courier: Many voices one world. Available online: [accessed November 2021]
Bartels-Hardege, H. (2021) Making the most of COVID restrictions to deliver successful outreach projects, Teaching Excellence Academy blog. Available online: [accessed November 2021]
Hockings. C. (2010) Inclusive learning and teaching in higher education: a synthesis of research. EvidenceNet. HEA: York
Jensen, T.L. (2019) ‘Back to Bildung’: A Holistic Competence-Based Approach to student Engagement in Innovation Learning Process in HE. In Lund, B. and Arndt, S. (Eds) (2019) The Creative University: Contemporary Responses to the Changing Role of the University. Leiden: Brill Sense
Killingback, C. (2021) Team-based learning: more of the same or is there something in it? Teaching Excellence Academy blog. Available online: [accessed November 2021]
Lawrence, J. Huxley-Binns, R. & Scott, G. (2020) Preparing graduates for the 4IR: competence-based HE, Teaching Excellence Academy blog. Available online: [accessed November 2021]
Lawrence, J. (2020) Assessing competencies could equip graduates for an uncertain post-Covid future, WonkHE blog. Available online: [accessed November 2021]
Partington, A. (2020) Personalised learning for the student consumer, Frontiers in Education. Available online: [accessed November 2021]
UUK (2018). Patterns and Trends in UK Higher Education 2018. Available online: London: Universities UK [accessed November 2021]