

Fancy another Cup of TEA?!

Continuing the celebration of fantastic teaching here at the University of Hull following our recent Gold TEF Award, we are delighted to announce the second series of A Cup of TEA, following on from Series 1 earlier in the year. Pleased to say we have learnt a lot along the way and not so much background noises, passing cars and occasional fire alarms should be heard from now on! As we are reflecting on and from the feedback we received, what struck us when we first started and still this time round, is how colleagues’ passion and care pour through their words and account of their practice - we are hugely honoured to capture their voice and share it with you!... 

In this second season, you will hear:

  • Lizzie Ette (Nursing) passionately talking about her teaching, reflective practice, competences and spiral curriculum, assessing big cohorts and her role in student support.

“My favorite part of my job? Getting nurses onto the register and out into practice and doing an amazing job! I can’t speak highly enough of our students and local nurses”

  • Claire Carr (University of Hull Business School) with no less passion discusses areas like co-creation with students, playfulness in teaching, ways of supporting digital literacies and inclusivity in the classroom.

“I want students to be able to have moments of euphoria and moments of panic because I think this is creating an environment where they are learning about themselves, their disciplines…”

  • James Pritchett (Politics) talks all things gamification and simulations, how he uses those within group work and links to authentic assessment.

“an engaging activity… helps build skills like cooperation, teamwork, leadership…”

  • Julie Brierley (Teacher Education) speaking about a project on special educational needs using inquiry-based learning approach and working collaboratively with students to feedback and reflect.

“by the end of the module, the students love it, but for the first 4 weeks or so they hate it… and they’ll reflect back on it and say “it was so helpful!””

  • Georgios Efthimiou (Centre for Biomedicine) discusses ways of promoting student engagement and a sense of community within modules. how he's used games to help support this and how to scale it across large cohorts.

“My aim was to create a playful environment to teach micro-biology”

  • Michelle Kennedy (Nursing & Midwifery) speaking about the Student/Staff Partnership project she and a colleague recently supported with 4 enthusiastic student partners and what they all learn from the experience.

“We were very keen to work with the students for support but to let them lead and take the direction they wanted to lead...”

  • Wasala Samarakoon (Politics), and Olanrewaju Lawal (Advanced Practice), two postgraduate researchers share their experiences of teaching, while studying for their postgraduate degree. 

Lanre: "When I see how well my students have done, it makes me very happy!"

Arunie: “In this module there were mostly male students and two female students who were going to withdraw... I was able to convince them to carry on as I brought my feminist knowledge to the field!”

  • Holly Smith (Education), reflecting on her use of Lego in her teaching, including sharing tips for those interesting in using it.

 “We can all build!... being given a focus for our build […] you’re naturally starting to engage which something that could be a completely subconscious idea […] and putting Lego in front of you and having that form allows you to really get carried away and enjoy play!”

Needless to say we are extremely grateful to these colleagues for making time to come and talk to us and share their work! We hope, readers, this has piqued your curiosity and you will enjoy this new series and find inspiration and tips to take away and use in your own practice! So when you are ready: join us, be it with a favourite cuppa or on the move!

A reminder that you can listen to the podcast in all of your preferred platforms (Apple, Google etc) and subscribe by using this RSS feed
A reminder also that if you’d like to have your own cup of tea with us and discuss an aspect of your work on a future podcast, please get in touch


Photo by Matt Seymour on Unsplash 

Last updated
