This page is to provide information to current and potential suppliers about procurement at The University of Hull, tenders that are currently being advertised or planned and other information we believe will be useful to suppliers.
Organisations who do not currently supply the University should read the section Applying to be a Supplier/Contractor to the University contained in the Buyer Profile. Please do not telephone the Purchasing Office.
Terms and Conditions of Purchase
All trading with suppliers will be on the University's Standard Terms and Conditions (unless agreed differently). The University operates a strict "no order, no pay" policy. No goods or services should be supplied without being in possession of a valid University Purchase Order. Invoices received without quoting a valid order number will be returned unpaid.
Buyer Profile
A Buyer Profile of the The University of Hull has been produced to give suppliers an understanding of how the University undertakes procurement. This includes a Guide to Tendering at the University.
Freedom of Information
The University's policy and information relating to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) can be found here.
Sustainability and Environment
The University seeks to engage with suppliers who have implemented good environmental, sustainable and ethical practices and the University has produced a Sustainable Procurement Policy that suppliers should make themselves familiar with.
Equality Act 2010 and Modern Slavery Act 2015
The University of Hull is an Equal Opportunities organisation and actively seeks to promote equality of opportunity throughout all its functions. See the Buyer Profile page for further details and a link to the University's Procurement Equality Questionnaire.
Copies of the University's equality-related policies are available on the Codes & Policies Index page.
The University's Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking annual statement and policy can be found here. The University may terminate its relationships with individuals and organisations who breach this policy.
Bribery Act 2010
The Bribery Act 2010 came into force on 1 July 2011. The Act defines the following criminal offences:
- Bribing another person
- Being bribed
- Bribing a foreign official
- Failing, as a corporate body, to prevent bribery.
Individuals found guilty under the Act face imprisonment for up to 10 years and/or an unlimited fine. Convicted organisations face unlimited fines. Liability is not confined to acts carried out in the UK.
The University requires and aspires to maintain the highest ethical standards in carrying out its activities. The payment or acceptance of bribes, including facilitation payments, is never acceptable and will not be tolerated. The University reserves the right to terminate the contracts of suppliers, agents or third parties acting on its behalf if there is evidence of a breach of this Anti Fraud and Bribery Policy.
Directions to the University and Campus maps
Site Rules
Contractors and Suppliers who work on site at Hull or Scarborough Campuses (such as Auditors, equipment installers, maintenance engineers, consultants etc.) must comply with the Site Rules issued by the University.
When the University wants to advertise tenders for works, goods or services it will place an advert here or on its e-tendering website.