

Writing Your Next Chapter: A Virtual Creative Writing Q&A

Tuesday 21 November 2023, 18:00 GMT

Ready to pen a new chapter in your writing journey?

Join us for an exciting virtual event featuring Chris Westoby, the Programme Director of Hull Online's MA Creative Writing course. This is your opportunity to unlock the secrets to success in the world of creative writing and online learning.

Topics we'll explore:

  • Mastering essential techniques: Discover the key techniques you need to excel in the writing industry.
  • Crafting a successful MA journey: Explore the skill set required to become a thriving MA student with Hull Online.
  • Bringing your work to the world: Learn how this program will equip you to market your work effectively and get it published.
  • Decoding the assessment process: Gain insights into how your creative work will be assessed.

Don't miss this chance to explore the endless possibilities of our MA Creative Writing programme with Chris Westoby. Enrich your writing journey and discover how the MA can shape your future.

Register now and secure your spot.

Last updated
