
Politics and International Relations

Three Hull Politics students walking and chatting in the Palace of Westminster while on placement.
The European Union headquarters in Brussels. A modern steel and glass building surrounded by EU flagpoles.
Smartly dressed Hull Politics student, Lucy Dunwell, stands smiling while on placement in Westminster.
A close up of a map of Europe labelled with countries and major cities.
Our Westminster placement scheme has been running for over 35 years, and is one of the most extensive of its kind in the UK.
Explore the themes and issues that drive 21st-century world politics: power, conflict, wealth, poverty, inequality, identity, trade, and more.
Our graduates are well known throughout the major UK political parties. So many of them work in Westminster they’ve become known as ‘the Hull Mafia’.
All our 3-year courses offer you the opportunity to see the world and study abroad for a trimester, whether in Europe, the USA or Hong Kong.
Many of our graduates go on to work in Westminster but our courses also open doors to careers in journalism, business and finance, and more.
Three Hull Politics students walking and chatting in the Palace of Westminster while on placement.
The European Union headquarters in Brussels. A modern steel and glass building surrounded by EU flagpoles.
Smartly dressed Hull Politics student, Lucy Dunwell, stands smiling while on placement in Westminster.
A close up of a map of Europe labelled with countries and major cities.
Politics - Politics




Want to see the world while you study? Spread your wings on our semester abroad. Or apply for our unique Westminster internship. The choice is yours.

This is the study of politics on a global scale. You’ll explore the themes and issues which drive 21st-century world politics. Conflict, poverty, inequality, trade, and more.

Our Politics and International Relations degree takes you behind the headlines to gain expertise in international affairs. And with the added bonus of a placement or studying abroad, you’ll graduate with standout experience on your CV.

  • Top 10 in the UK

    for Teaching Satisfaction and Value Added 1

  • 5th in the UK

    for Student Experience 2

  • Spend three months

    on a Westminster placement

  • Work with an MP or peer

  • Study abroad

    in Europe, the USA or Hong Kong

Course overview
Module options

About this course

This is an intellectually demanding programme, taught by staff who are recognised for their research. That's reflected in the range of modules available, and in the flexibility of the degree. You can tailor it to fit your interests and career aspirations.

You’ll focus on the most important debates. Possession and exercise of power. Wealth and inequality. Individual and collective identity. The use of violence for political ends. And by examining them, you’ll gain critical insights into the global significance of politics.

All our 3-year courses offer the option to study abroad for a trimester, whether in Europe, the USA or Hong Kong. And through our internship opportunities, you’ll get access to Parliament or another politics-related placement.

At Westminster, you’ll work alongside an MP or peer. Our links with a large pool of MPs mean we can likely match you with a politician whose role reflects your area of interest. While on placement, you'll enjoy access to our exclusive seminar series presented by senior Parliamentary officials including Black Rod and the Speaker.

Scheduled study hours and how you’re assessed

Throughout your degree, you’re expected to study for 1,200 hours per year. That’s based on 200 hours per 20 credit module. And it includes scheduled hours, time spent on placement and independent study. How this time is divided across the year varies and depends on the module you are studying.

How you'll be assessed depends on the course you study, and the modules you choose. You may be assessed through a mix of examinations, coursework, presentations and group projects.

Choose your modules

Each year, you’ll study modules worth a certain number of credits, and you need 120 credits per year. Most modules are 20 credits – so you’ll study six modules each year. Some longer modules, such as a dissertation, are worth more. In these cases, you’ll study fewer modules - but the number of credits will always add up to 120. Some modules are compulsory, some are optional, so you can build a course that’s right for you.

Preparing for Learning in Higher Education

This module is designed to give you the best possible start to your university studies, making sure you have all the essential skills you need to succeed. Through lectures and workshops we will teach you how to write in an academic style, how to find quality sources, how to reference work, culminating in writing up a mini-research project.

Core20 credits

Introduction to Social Science

This module is designed to provide you with an understanding of the key concepts underpinning research in the social sciences, including the value of appropriately used sources and data.

Core20 credits

Research in the Humanities, Social Sciences and Education

This module will equip you with the necessary skills to conduct and analyse research in a specific interest, supported by academics within your subject. You'll navigate through the research process, from identifying an area of interest to presenting their findings to your peers.

Core20 credits

Group Challenge (Humanities)

Formulate and execute a group led enquiry into texts, cultural artifacts, film, music or dance. You'll explore their topics in groups at supervised workshops and develop questions on the cultural object relates to the living world of human experience, as well as developing your own methods to answer these questions.

Compulsory20 credits

Foundation in Data Analysis

Develop a strong foundation in data collection and analysis. This module will introduce you to qualitative and quantitative data and how to analyse it; the collection of primary and secondary data; the production of high quality graphics; and report writing.

Compulsory20 credits

Academic Writing Skills

Developing confidence in expression, oral as well as written, is a key feature of this module, which also aims to familiarise you with submission and assessment procedures in the context of Higher Education. This is a clear building block onto your degree programme and places you at a distinct advantage when you move into the following year.

Compulsory20 credits

The foundation year has been designed to prepare you for entry onto the degree. You’ll study the following modules.

6 Modules

British Political History since 1945

The UK's political history after World War Two: from Eden to the EEC and from Wilson to the 'Winter of Discontent', encounter the people, ideas and policies that have shaped modern Britain.

Compulsory20 credits

Introduction to International Politics

Examine the theories that help us understand how the world around us works, and the themes and issues that are central to international discourse and practice. You'll explore arguments and ways of thinking that are designed to expand their sense of who you are and of where and how you fit in the world around you.

Compulsory20 credits

Introduction to Political Ideologies

Political action is collective action among people who share beliefs. This module explores the most important formulations of these collective views. It explores political ideologies that defend the status quo, those who wish to reform it, and those that seek a radically different political reality.

Compulsory20 credits

Introduction to Policy-Making

This module provides an introduction and explanation of the plural theories and models of policy making before applying these theories and models to the practice of policy-making, via a series of case studies of policy-making in practice.

Compulsory20 credits

Introduction to War and Politics

Study the causes and conduct of war in modern times. Learn why the Allies won World War Two, why the US lost in Vietnam and how nuclear weapons affect international security.

Compulsory20 credits

Introduction to Global Political Economy

You'll gain the tools to understand and explain developments in the global political economy and be introduced to international political economy, one of the main sub-disciplines of politics and international relations. You will trace the evolution of ideas, institutions and policies related to global financial markets, transnational production, global division of labour, gender and climate change.

Compulsory20 credits
6 Modules

International Relations Theory

This module examines the current state of international relations theory. You'll examine contending notions of security by exploring the concept of state sovereignty and the impact of the state upon individual and other forms of security. 

Compulsory20 credits

The Global South and Development

Explore the challenges of development for the Global South from a cross-regional comparative political economy perspective. You'll gain an understanding of the theoretical and practical debates around development, and their implications for international relations. You'll also examine the role of states, markets, international organisations, non-governmental organisations and civil society in fostering (or inhibiting) development. 

Compulsory20 credits

Political Research

In this module you will begin the journey of becoming an independent and autonomous political researcher. You will learn more about how Political Research – especially that conducted within the School of Politics and International Studies – is produced, and be equipped with the understanding and skills necessary to design your own political research project. This module will prepare you for the Final Year Project and for putting into practice your own programme of research.

Compulsory20 credits

The United Nations and Global Security

The UN is a much misunderstood institution. To understand the UN, its successes, and its failures, you need to understand power. Conversely, if you’re interested in understanding power, studying the UN is a pretty good way to do it. 

Compulsory20 credits

Rethinking Political Economy

Rethinking Political Economy enables students to explore plural perspectives drawn from the history of ideas in political economy from its early development in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries to the contemporary rethinking of political economy. Particular focus is placed upon the confrontation both of historical power imbalances, notably the relocation of the previously marginalized perspectives of female political economists to the very centre and cutting edge of the discipline, and urgent issues of human development, notably inequalities in income and wealth, and mitigation of and adaptation to human-induced climate change

Optional20 credits

Land Power

Land Power provides a comprehensive education in the key conceptual and historical developments in land warfare in the modern period. This module will help you understand how politics, technology, doctrine, society and ethics impact the exercise of military power in the Land domain. You will explore these important issues by studying the defining conflicts and campaigns of the modern age. These include Napoleon, the two world wars of the 20th Century, Vietnam, Afghanistan, etc. Finally, you will study how robotics, AI and cyber technologies will change the character of land warfare.

Optional20 credits

Sea Power

There is no subject more important to students of politics, international relations, and war than seapower. This is because the seapowers created the world you see around you in the global distribution of power, wealth,and cultural dominance of the west, and it is the seapowers that retain the means to sustain their power and status and influence in global politics. You will learn how seapower enables this through the global reach that seapower provides in diplomatic and military capability. How seapower dominates global trade and wealth distribution and how seapowers were able to use their maritime power to dominate others in war.

Optional20 credits

Understanding Terrorism

In this module you will examine the roots of contemporary terrorism and counterterrorism and be introduced to critical terrorism studies. You will assess the justifications terrorist, extremist and politically violent groups have offered for their actions, as well as the ethics of state and other responses. You will examine how terrorism relates to military action and war, and to violent and non-violent protest, and you will hear and read about terrorism across a range of international, political and cultural contexts. The module will seek to equip you to make informed and critically reflective analyses of terrorism as a contemporary issue.

Optional20 credits

History of Political Thought

The history of political thought provides us with experiences of a wealth of perspectives on issues that still occupy central places in human life: the role of power in our collective relationships; the duties of the citizen and the obligations of the state; what it means to be free or equal or oppressed. This module explores some of the most influential and challenging positions from ancient Greek times to the late-nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The module explores the feminist thinkers and others who were and are viewed as radicals, as well as more moderate figures, whose influences remain today.

Optional20 credits

Air Power

Air Power provides a comprehensive education in the key conceptual and historical developments in air warfare from its genesis to the contemporary period. This module helps students understand how politics, technology, doctrine, society and ethics impact the exercise of military power in, and from, the air. They explore these important issues by studying the defining conflicts and campaigns of the modern age, including the 1914-1918 war, the Second World War, Vietnam, Gulf War I, NATO operations in Bosnia, among others etc. Finally, they study how modern technologies impact upon the exercise of power in the air domain and what this means for the application of force and political power more generally.

Optional20 credits

Understanding America

You'll be introduced to the political culture and institutions of the United States of America and the environment in which those institutions operate. Having considered these domestic issues, you'll examine the USA’s international role and behaviour. You'll examine the complex relationship between these domestic and international aspects of American politics.

Optional20 credits

Understanding the European Union

The EU has a population of almost 450 million people and host the world’s the largest single market. The module identifies the main EU institutions and explains where power lies in EU decision-making. EU policies which will be assessed include environmental/climate policy, Economic Monetary Union (EMU) and the Single European Market (SEM). The module focuses also on the EU’s relations with the UK (pre- and post-Brexit), USA, China and Global South countries. The EU has emerged as an environmental leader on the international level and has frequently tried to use its ‘market power’ to transfer its goals, norms and values to the international level. The EU’s impact therefore goes well beyond the territory of its currently 27 Member States.

Optional20 credits
12 Modules


You will make an original contribution to research by designing, carrying out and writing up your own project on a topic you choose, supported by your dissertation supervisor.

Compulsory40 credits

One-Trimester Internship

Apply knowledge learned on your degree in a real working environment on one of our unique internship opportunities - enhance your chance of getting a job at the same time.

Compulsory60 credits

One Trimester Abroad

An opportunity to study for a semester abroad at any of our partner institutions. Select a number of modules on offer from the host institution to count towards your degree.

Compulsory60 credits

Small Wars: Irregular Warfare in Theory and Practice

Insurgency and how to beat it is among the biggest problems of our time. Examine the issue in case studies from the end of empire to the latest Iraqi and Afghan insurgencies. 

Optional credits

Politics of the Environment

Analyse attitudes towards the environment and the politics of the environmental movement, pressure groups, political parties, states, the EU and international organisations.

Optional20 credits

UK Politics in an Age of Decline and Renewal

Explore topics that have been implemented by the Cameron-Clegg coalition, May and Johnson Governments since the May 2010 General Election. You'll investigate the politics of austerity, reform of public services and the NHS, the welfare state, Brexit and the response to the coronavirus pandemic.

Optional20 credits

Culture Wars

What causes the culture wars? Explore the controversies. From identity politics to free speech and BLM to transgenderism.

Optional20 credits

Maritime Security in the Maritime Globalised Century

Learn about the role of modern navies, piracy, terrorism, maritime law, economy, expeditionary warfare and the frightening fragility of the world you take for granted.

Optional credits

War in the 21st Century

Explore the strategic, political and ethical implications of autonomous weapons systems, warfare in cyberspace, and the significance of modern nuclear forces.

Optional credits

BRICS: Emerging Powers in International Affairs

Discover challenges facing the five emerging powers (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) in the shifting power structures of international affairs.

Optional20 credits

Single Trimester Project

The Single Trimester Project module provides you with an opportunity to engage in and write up your own political research project.  In researching and writing your project you will work primarily one-to-one with your supervisor, but the module also involves a degree of team work and peer support.

Optional20 credits

Brave New World: The Internet

This timely, fascinating module is about the Internet revolution and its impact on our lives, on politics and society. The module combines theory with practical case studies and thus is very relevant to all students who utilise the Internet for their daily activities. The module balances the raison d'être of the Internet, freedom of expression, against no less important principle: social responsibility, and ponders what responsibilities we have as Internet users and as readers of information, what are the responsibilities of Internet intermediaries, and what are the responsibilities of the government and of the international community at large to ensure an innovative and secure digital environment.

While observing friendship and romance on the Internet, the module also questions whether self-regulation work. Is government regulation required to tackle terrorism, racism, child pornography and cyberbullying?

Optional20 credits

Troubled History: Irish Politics and Anglo-Irish Relations

In this module you will examine the evolution and contemporary relevance of the political relationships between Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland and Great Britain.  You will be introduced to the emergence of these relationship from the Ulster plantation to the Act of Union 1800, through the Home Rule movement, War of Independence and partitioning of Northern Ireland, and further through the Troubles, the Good Friday Agreement and the impacts of Brexit.  The purpose will be to equip you to critically engage with contemporary aspects of Anglo-Irish relations with a sound understanding of their historical, cultural, religious and economic influences

Optional20 credits

Defeating Nazi Germany: Strategy in Total War

Defeating Nazi Germany provides a detailed understanding of the practice of strategy in total war. This is especially important as the world shifts from one dominated by the ‘war on terror’ to a future of great power conflict. By taking this module you will study all of the great campaigns of the Second World War in Europe, and ultimately be able to answer the question of how and why the Allies won. In doing so, you will also gain an invaluable understanding of strategic decision-making, modern joint warfare, and the role of technology and social forces in human strategic affairs.

Optional20 credits

Democracy and Legitimacy in the European Union

This module analyses the real-world challenges of democracy and legitimacy in the European Union, and situates them in the context of contemporary theoretical and conceptual debates. In addressing these issues, you will consider the following questions: is the EU politically legitimate? What are the limits of democracy beyond the national state? Can the EU’s democratic deficit be addressed by strengthening the European and/or national parliaments? Will the EU ever be democratic if it lacks a demos? Is public support necessary for the EU to be legitimate? The module is practically-oriented module, assessed by a 4500-word, independently produced policy paper which accounts for 100% of the final mark.

Optional20 credits

In your final year, you'll choose one compulsory module. 

15 Modules


Dr James R Pritchett

Course Overview 1 min

Westminster Placement

Course highlight 3 mins

Lucy Dunwell

Student story 2 mins

Accommodation at Hull

University Life 2 mins

Entry requirements

What do I need?

We consider experience and qualifications from the UK and worldwide which may not exactly match the combinations above.

But it's not just about the grades - we'll look at your whole application. We want to know what makes you tick, and about your previous experience, so make sure that you complete your personal statement.

Have questions? Our admissions team will be happy to help.

What do I need?

If you require a student visa to study or if your first language is not English you will be required to provide acceptable evidence of your English language proficiency level.

See other English language proficiency qualifications accepted by the University of Hull.

If your English currently does not reach the University’s required standard for this programme, you may be interested in one of our English language courses.

Visit your country page to find out more about our entry requirements.

Fees & funding

How much is it?

Additional costs you may have to pay

Your tuition fees will cover most costs associated with your programme. There are some extra costs that you might have to pay, or choose to pay, depending on your programme of study and the decisions you make:

  • Books (you can borrow books on your reading lists from the library, but you may buy your own)
  • Optional field trips
  • Study abroad (incl. travel costs, accommodation, visas, immunisation)
  • Placement costs (incl. travel costs and accommodation)
  • Student visas (international students)
  • Laptop (you’ll have access to laptops and computers on campus, but you may want your own)
  • Printing and photocopying
  • Professional-body membership
  • Graduation (gown hire and photography)

Remember, you’ll still need to take into account your living costs. This could include accommodation, travel, food and more.

How do I pay for it?

How much is it?

Additional costs you may have to pay

Your tuition fees will cover most costs associated with your programme. There are some extra costs that you might have to pay, or choose to pay, depending on your programme of study and the decisions you make:

  • Books (you can borrow books on your reading lists from the library, but you may buy your own)
  • Optional field trips
  • Study abroad (incl. travel costs, accommodation, visas, immunisation)
  • Placement costs (incl. travel costs and accommodation)
  • Student visas (international students)
  • Laptop (you’ll have access to laptops and computers on campus, but you may want your own)
  • Printing and photocopying
  • Professional-body membership
  • Graduation (gown hire and photography)

Remember, you’ll still need to take into account your living costs. This could include accommodation, travel, food and more.

How do I pay for it?

Take a look at our facilities

Brynmor Jones Library

Our 7-storey library is home to 1 million+ books, extensive digital resources drawn from libraries and archives across the world, and stunning panoramic views of the city from the 7th floor.

Allam Lecture Theatre

One of the largest lecture theatres on campus. Comfortable seating and modern equipment make this a fantastic environment for learning. It also often hosts external speakers and special guests.

Reading Room

You’ll find the Reading Room on the first floor of our library. It offers a comfortable space and a quiet environment to study – away from the hustle and bustle of the campus.

Study Rooms

You'll find over 1,000 work spaces in our library. From boardroom-style meeting venues with big-screen PCs, to informal group-study areas and interactive whiteboards.

See more in our virtual tour

Look around

Look around

Look around

Look around

Brynmor Jones Library Observation Deck
Allam Lecture Theatre
Brynmor Jones Library Reading Room
Brynmor Jones Library Group Study Room
The Palace of Westminster and Big Ben at sunset with leafy grounds and yellow flowers below.

Future prospects

Our graduates are well known throughout the major UK political parties. So many of them now work in Westminster that they’ve become known as ‘the Hull Mafia’. But it’s not only Parliament that can open its doors to you. Our Politics degrees afford many more opportunities after you graduate.

You’ll gain the skills to research and examine information. To critically analyse evidence and construct robust arguments. Exactly the kind of attributes that many employers are looking for. As well as politics, many of our graduates go on to work in the media, the Civil Service, HM Armed Forces, and intelligence services. They also pursue careers in public relations, charities, and international organisations.

University of Hull Open Day

Your next steps

Not ready to apply?

Visit our next Open Day, and see all that Hull has to offer for yourself. Talk to our lecturers about your subject, find out what university is really like from our current students, and take a tour of our beautiful campus and amazing facilities.

  1. (Teaching Satisfaction Joint 7th, Value Added Joint 8th) The Guardian University Rankings 2024.
  2. The Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide 2024.
  3. (Joint 13th) The Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide 2024.


All modules presented on this course page are subject to availability and this list may change at any time.
