
Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence)

Student and lecturer working on a computer in the DAIM computer lab
Brightly coloured high power computer
Two students working on computers in the Super Lab
Ethernet cables connected to the Viper supercomputer
A computer science student poses behind a monitor in the computer suite
Gain the specialist knowledge and technical expertise you need to be part of the AI future on our Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence) degree.
You’ll have access to our Turing Lab with top-spec, state-of-the art PCs.
You’ll benefit from a package of opportunities including valuable industry insight, career support and real-world experience.
Our campus is home to Viper – one of the most powerful supercomputers in England.
The option to take a professional placement year in industry is built in to your course, so you can gain valuable skills and experience.
We’ve invested millions in our campus, so you’ll learn in cutting-edge facilities. Our Superlab includes social spaces & high-performance workstations
Student and lecturer working on a computer in the DAIM computer lab
Brightly coloured high power computer
Two students working on computers in the Super Lab
Ethernet cables connected to the Viper supercomputer
A computer science student poses behind a monitor in the computer suite
Computer Science, Robotics & AI - Artificial Intelligence




Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming the way we live and work. This degree gives you the knowledge and skills you need to be part of the AI future.

Gain a rock-solid grounding in the fundamentals of computing, information science and informatics. Then gain specialist knowledge and experience in the development of intelligent systems, including machine learning, algorithms and complexity and visual computing.

The experience and technical expertise you’ll gain will put you in high demand when it’s time to enter the job market in this fast-moving industry.

  • Paid year in industry option

  • Five specialist labs on campus

    including AI and Robotics

  • 1st in the UK for

    learning resources 2

  • 91.1% of students

    in work or further study 15 months after graduating 1

  • Compete in events

    like the Microsoft Imagine Cup

Course overview
Module options

About this course

Explore how AI is rapidly transforming the way we live on this career-driven degree.

From self-driving cars to medical diagnosis, AI and machine learning systems are helping people make better decisions, improve safety and reduce our carbon footprint.

Learn within industry-standard facilities, developing advanced Python programming skills and creating your own software. You’ll study essential areas such as databases and networks, operating systems and cloud – as well as the increasing impact of AI on everyone in society.

Compete in international events like the Microsoft Imagine Cup. Or rise to the challenge of creating a computer game over a weekend in our Three Thing Game. You’ll also benefit from our strong links with companies like EA, Sony and Black Marble with frequent talks by experts in the trade.

Designed with your future in mind, you’ll take a professional development module in your first year. Bolster your experience further by choosing to spend a paid year in industry, all thanks to our strong connections with some of the biggest names in the business. And you’ll develop your own project in your final year, so you can demonstrate your skills to potential employers.

Scheduled study hours and how you’re assessed

Throughout your degree, you’re expected to study for 1,200 hours per year. That’s based on 200 hours per 20 credit module. And it includes scheduled hours, time spent on placement and independent study. How this time is divided across the year varies and depends on the module you are studying.

How you'll be assessed depends on the course you study, and the modules you choose. You may be assessed through a mix of examinations, coursework, presentations and group projects.

Choose your modules

Our five undergraduate Computer Science courses share the same compulsory modules in the first year. This gives you a foundation of knowledge across the whole subject area and the chance to explore what really interests you. You're then better placed to choose your modules in the later years of our BSc Computer Science, or switch to a different pathway to specialise in games programming, software engineering, robotics or AI.

Preparing for Learning in Higher Education

This module is designed to give you the best possible start to your university studies, making sure you have all the essential skills you need to succeed. Through lectures and workshops we will teach you how to write in an academic style, how to find quality sources, how to reference work, culminating in writing up a mini-research project.

Core20 credits

Introduction to Computing

This module will promote and support your development of learning in Computer Science as you prepare for progression to the following year. It teaches fundamental computer programming techniques and knowledge and enhances wider conceptual awareness of the discipline.

Core20 credits

Foundation in Data Analysis

Develop a strong foundation in data collection and analysis. This module will introduce you to qualitative and quantitative data and how to analyse it; the collection of primary and secondary data; the production of high quality graphics; and report writing.

Core20 credits

Group Challenge (Sciences)

In a group, you'll formulate questions that can be tested by scientific investigations and take part in weekly workshops with academics.

Compulsory20 credits

Foundation Mathematics A

You will study pure mathematics topics, including proof, algebra, trigonometry, differentiation, integration, exponentials, logarithms, sequences and series. The applied topic is probability and statistics.

Optional20 credits

Foundation Mathematics B

This module extends the knowledge gained in the Foundation Mathematics A - pure mathematics topics. You will also study functions and vectors. The applied topic is mechanics.

Optional20 credits

Foundation Mathematics 1

This module delivers core mathematics skills to build a solid basis for future studies. You will study the following topics: factors, multiples, indices, fractions and standard form; algebra, linear and quadratic equations; averages and spread; functions, exponentials and logarithms; and right angled triangles and trigonometry.

Optional20 credits

Foundation Mathematics 2

This module delivers core mathematics skills to build a solid basis for future studies.You will study the following topics: polynomials; sequences and series; complex numbers and trigonometry; and differentiation and integration.

Optional20 credits
8 Modules

Programming Portfolio

Gain the practical knowledge to design, implement and test algorithms. The module uses lectures to deliver concepts, a practice lab to apply the programming concepts learnt by developing programs to solve problems. You will take part in hands-on practical assessments, which will enable you to acquire extensive programming skills in an industry standard programming language. We will support you whether you are new to programming or have existing skills.

Core40 credits

Computational Thinking

This module Computational thinking is essential for developing computer-based solutions. This module will enable you to develop your knowledge and understanding of the key mathematical underpinnings of computer science, to aid you in problem solving and programming. The development of your competence in logic, mathematics and statistics will also provide evidence of your numeracy and more advanced skills and is valued by employers.

Core20 credits

Algorithms and Data Structures

Start to think like a computer (bleep bloop)! This module explores logic, data storage and algorithms with the use of practical demonstrations and activities. Operating in parallel with programming-focussed modules, we will develop a toolkit of key concepts from a theoretical (non-code) perspective, facilitating a better understanding of these fundamentals. Topics to expect include pseudocode, state machines, essential keywords, common data structures, sort algorithms and search algorithms. You will learn methods to analyse and compare algorithms and their constituent parts in order that you may better design, evaluate and develop effective, efficient and performant software solutions.

Core20 credits

Architectures, Operating Systems and the Cloud

Explore the fundamental properties of computers that allow them to execute programmes. You will learn about how Computers are made to work in hardware and simulation (Virtual Machines). A collection of Virtual Machines is a cloud, and this module allows you to get experience with the development of your own cloud using appropriate platforms.

Core20 credits

Professional Development (Computer Science)

Employers want much more than discipline specific skills. This module sets you up to grow your professional skills and awareness, when working both individually and as part of a team. You will also develop your appreciation of the challenges within the sector, and how technology can help to solve worldwide issues. You will begin a personal portfolio that you will add to over your degree and you will work as part of a team to produce a design prototype, demonstrating your personal professional development. Through researching your discipline, you will understand the range of career roles available and what you need to do to progress in them.

Core20 credits
5 Modules

Design, Develop, Deploy

Our flagship software development module. You'll use contemporary software development tool chains to experience authentic software creation and deployment, applying techniques such as agile project management, test-driven development and continuous integration and deployment.

Compulsory40 credits

Databases and Networks

You'll be introduced to the core components of any online information system that drives the information we use today. Learn how modern applications fetch data from servers and how that information can be stored and retrieved efficiently. You will solve a real-world problem by developing a networked database.

Compulsory20 credits

Artificial Intelligence for Computer Science

Learn about classical AI techniques – how to represent knowledge and how to use it to reason about the world. You’ll consider some of the important techniques such as logic programming, rule based reasoning, knowledge searching and pathfinding, and how to implement them in code and apply them to real-world problems.

Compulsory20 credits

Applied Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence has become the cornerstone for an increase of efficiency and productivity.  In this module you’ll be introduced to the fundamental tools of AI using a hands-on, applied approach. As a result, you will be able to begin analysing, validating and interpreting automated decision making.

Compulsory20 credits

Advanced Programming

In this module you will explore advanced techniques in programming as well as building an understanding of how high level objected-oriented languages are executed on a modern CPU.  C++ will be used extensively, but we with reflect back on C#, as well as throwing in some assembly language.

Optional20 credits

User Interfaces and Experience

Any software or hardware used by humans needs to put human understanding at its core. Digital products succeed or fail by how well the designer understands the ability of a human to use the product, or the experience that using the product provides. You'll take a scientific and engineering approach to understanding, developing and evaluating effective interfaces and experiences for users.

Optional20 credits

eXtended Reality Development

eXtended Reality is a blend of physical and virtual environments, unlocking natural and intuitive 3D human, computer, and environment interactions. You will learn concepts and techniques in the field of mixed reality and user-centred testing. You will implement eXtended Reality applications using technologies applicable to the problem domain and use an eXtended Reality application to conduct a user test, analyse and report on results.

Optional credits
7 Modules

Data Analysis and Visualisation

Data analytics has rapidly become a part of all of our lives, and is an increasingly sought-after skill on the job market. In this module you'll learn the theoretical and practical skills to analyse any dataset independently, starting from exploratory analysis of a new dataset for hypothesis finding, over choosing and comparing different algorithms, and presenting and explaining your results quantitatively and visually. You will learn to train models of different complexity that can make predictions or uncover hidden patterns in data, making responsible and fair decisions that can help improve our lives.

Compulsory20 credits

Machine Learning

Machine learning comprises the theory and practice underlying recent advances in artificial intelligence and is a core requirement for anyone seeking to work in the AI or data analysis field. This module will introduce core algorithms in machine learning, including state-of-the-art deep learning models, and consider practical issues around complexity, optimisation and performance. You will learn to systematically compare algorithms and establish the mathematical foundations to implement your own. 

Compulsory20 credits

Computer Vision

Computer vision is fundamental to intelligent systems ranging from advanced microscopes to access control systems and from autonomous robots to self-driving cars. You'll will develop expertise that are currently being used in real-world systems. This includes design and analysis of algorithms for image processing and computer vision as well as evaluation of various cutting-edge solutions in the context of emerging applications.

Compulsory20 credits

Computational Science

Study the key concepts and techniques to: enable modelling a system, understand its limitations and develop appropriate AI architectures to solve computational problems.

Compulsory20 credits

Natural Language Processing

Natural language processing and large language models have become the cornerstone for an increase in efficiency and productivity. In this module, you’ll be introduced to the fundamental tools of NLP using a hands-on, applied approach. As a result, you will begin analysing, interpreting and generating natural language using AI.

Compulsory20 credits

Honours Stage Project (Computer Science & AI)

Your Honours Stage Project is your chance to spend a full third of your study time working on a topic of interest to you and producing something major as a result.  You can design your own project, work with a member of staff to develop an idea, or choose one from a catalogue.  Develop an AI program, do some research in virtual reality, or build a new robot butler – the choice is yours.  With regular support from a supervisor, you’ll learn to create, undertake, evaluate and report on a significant individual project which you’ll be proud to show off to an employer.

Optional40 credits

Communicating and Teaching Computing

This module enables you to undertake a placement in a school, college or other educational establishment where you can develop your practical teaching and communication skills, as well as extending your knowledge of the education process. These skills are valued by employers, whether you are interested in potentially going on to train or teach others or not. You will also have the opportunity to develop an educational project to demonstrate your skills in practice.

Optional40 credits
7 Modules

You will have the opportunity to apply to spend the third year studying overseas at one of our partner universities.

During your year abroad, you will follow a programme of study that will be agreed between yourself and us prior to your departure. You will take all assessments set by the host university while you are abroad, for which marks will be awarded and a final transcript released. The year abroad contributes 10% towards your final degree classification.

Your placement is your opportunity to get some real-world work experience under your belt to enhance your employability.

You'll be supported in developing a work placement in any appropriate company or organisation.  Students have spent a year on placements with Unity, Black Marble, Network Rail, IBM, HP, Nestle, and the University’s ICT department.

Commercial Development Practice

Work on real commercial software for real clients in CDP, a reach-out project of the Department of Computer Science and Technology. This excellent opportunity gives you critical experience of working with real clients across the entire software project lifecycle from customer brief through to specifying, designing, managing, developing and testing real software using industry standard techniques

Compulsory40 credits

Dependable Reactive Real-Time Systems

This module focuses the issues of real-time and dependable design and introduces you to the appropriate concepts and design methods. It focuses on the design of single systems and goes further to discuss specific challenges encountered today in the design of cooperative and multi-robot systems.

Compulsory20 credits

Advanced Artificial intelligence

The advances made in computing technology and our understanding of intelligence through collaboration (collective or competitive) actions has led to a whole range of possibilities for Artificial Intelligence. Such techniques will be at the core of Autonomous (self-driving cars) and Digital Health.

Compulsory20 credits

Trustworthy Computing

Given how much we depend on networked digital technologies, cybersecurity is a threat that can impact us all at any time. In this module you will explore how simple mistakes can make a software system exploitable and insecure, and demonstrate how these flaws can be fixed to make a system cybersecure.

Compulsory20 credits

Component Based Software Engineering Practice

Modern large scale software development can be improved through utilising advanced approaches such as component based development. Reliable and secure software can be supported through managed programming environments. This module will be your chance to look deeper at these virtual machines beneath and see what makes it all work, and to develop solutions utilising component libraries.

Compulsory20 credits
5 Modules


Computer Science labs

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Why Comp Sci at Hull?

Student story 11 mins

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Entry requirements

What do I need?

When it comes to applying to university, you'll need a certain number of UCAS points. Different qualifications and grades are worth a different amount of points. For this course, you'll need…

We consider experience and qualifications from the UK and worldwide which may not exactly match the combinations above.

But it's not just about the grades - we'll look at your whole application. We want to know what makes you tick, and about your previous experience, so make sure that you complete your personal statement.

Have questions? Our admissions team will be happy to help.

What do I need?

If you require a student visa to study or if your first language is not English you will be required to provide acceptable evidence of your English language proficiency level.

See other English language proficiency qualifications accepted by the University of Hull.

If your English currently does not reach the University’s required standard for this programme, you may be interested in one of our English language courses.

Visit your country page to find out more about our entry requirements.

Fees & funding

How much is it?

Additional costs you may have to pay

Your tuition fees will cover most costs associated with your programme. There are some extra costs that you might have to pay, or choose to pay, depending on your programme of study and the decisions you make:

  • Books (you can borrow books on your reading lists from the library, but you may buy your own)
  • Optional field trips
  • Study abroad (incl. travel costs, accommodation, visas, immunisation)
  • Placement costs (incl. travel costs and accommodation)
  • Student visas (international students)
  • Laptop (you’ll have access to laptops and computers on campus, but you may want your own)
  • Printing and photocopying
  • Professional-body membership
  • Graduation (gown hire and photography)

Remember, you’ll still need to take into account your living costs. This could include accommodation, travel, food and more.

How do I pay for it?

How much is it?

Additional costs you may have to pay

Your tuition fees will cover most costs associated with your programme. There are some extra costs that you might have to pay, or choose to pay, depending on your programme of study and the decisions you make:

  • Books (you can borrow books on your reading lists from the library, but you may buy your own)
  • Optional field trips
  • Study abroad (incl. travel costs, accommodation, visas, immunisation)
  • Placement costs (incl. travel costs and accommodation)
  • Student visas (international students)
  • Laptop (you’ll have access to laptops and computers on campus, but you may want your own)
  • Printing and photocopying
  • Professional-body membership
  • Graduation (gown hire and photography)

Remember, you’ll still need to take into account your living costs. This could include accommodation, travel, food and more.

How do I pay for it?

Our academics

You’ll be taught by talented researchers who carry out world-leading research in areas such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, intelligent and interactive systems, robotics, simulation, visualisation, and mobile and distributed computing.

Our courses are shaped by their expertise.

See more academics for this subject

Take a look at our facilities

Turing Lab

Carry out high-end graphics and artificial intelligence work on the top-spec, state-of-the art PCs in our Turing Lab.

Robotics Lab

Our specialist robotics lab is used for robot development and programming activities. Interact with our DJI Drones, Turtlebot3 mobile robots and humanoids like Baxter, Nao and Pepper.

Hull Immersive Visualisation Environment (HIVE)

A 3D immersive cube with VR theatre, gigapixel wall facilities and wearable devices.


Fully refurbished as part of a significant investment in high-performance workstations, servers and social spaces, our Superlab is also open to students outside of teaching hours.

See more in our virtual tour
Turing Lab

Look around

Look around

Students in the SuperLab Computer Suite
Turing Lab
Robotics Laboratory
Students in the SuperLab Computer Suite
VIPER high performance computing

Future prospects

Computer Science and AI graduates are highly employable. It’s hard to imagine a sector of the modern economy where AI is not used. That means you could go on to a range of job roles in a diverse range of sectors including finance, gaming, telecommunications, retail, information technology, advertising and marketing.

Many of our Computer Science graduates go on to work for industry giants such as Sony, Microsoft, Electronic Arts, Rockstar Games, Dell, Fujitsu and Capita as well as not-for-profit businesses and public sector organisations. Some move on to further study with an MSc or PhD – or even set up and grow their own tech businesses.

University of Hull Open Day

Your next steps

Like what you’ve seen? Then it’s time to apply.

The standard way to apply for this course is through UCAS. This will give you the chance to showcase your skill, qualities and passion for the subject, as well as providing your academic qualifications.

Not ready to apply?

Visit our next Open Day, and see all that Hull has to offer for yourself. Talk to our lecturers about your subject, find out what university is really like from our current students, and take a tour of our beautiful campus and amazing facilities.

1. 91.1% employability (Computer Science) UK domicile full-time first degree leavers; Higher Education Graduate Outcomes statistics, for the academic year 2021/22, published by the Higher Education Statistics Agency June 2024.

2. Computer Science is ranked number 1 in the UK (HEIs) for learning resources. National Student Survey (NSS) 2024, HEIs only.

All modules presented on this course page are subject to availability and this list may change at any time.
