Centre for British Politics
This expert-led research centre for the study of British politics concentrates on the parties, ideologies and public policies that dominate UK politics. Established in 2007 as the first of its kind in UK higher education, the Centre for British Politics has made a distinctive impact in its field of study through its annual Norton Lecture, international workshops, symposiums, media interviews, expert submissions to parliament and, of course, through its publications.
Centre for European Union Studies
Designated as a ‘Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence' in teaching and research by the European Commission since 1999, the CEUS is one of the longest established and most research-active centres dedicated to the study of European Union (EU) governance and politics. CEUS researchers have a wide range of expertise and have produced a large number of well-regarded publications on European and EU governance and politics issues.
Centre for Idealism and the New Liberalism
The CINL, formerly the Centre for the Study of British Idealism, conducts research and teaching on the work and influence of the philosophical and reforming movement known as the British idealists, as well as into the thought of the New Liberals to whom they gave rise, including L.T. Hobhouse and J.A. Hobson. The CINL also provides a source of expertise and resources, as well as producing publications and running conferences.
Centre for Legislative Studies
Founded in 1992, the centre acts as a catalyst for international and interdisciplinary research in the field of Legislative Studies, by bringing together world-class scholars with legislative specialists and legislators from across the globe. Recent topics covered by research students included budgertary oversight of the Sierra Leone Parliament; the role of unofficial groups in the Parliamentary Conservative Party; and the legislative role of Parliament in the democratization process - a case study of the Iranian Parliament.
Centre for Security Studies
Researching a wide range of security issues, the CSS is internationally noted for its work on war studies and military ethics. Reflecting the expertise of its members, it supports a variety of academic approaches, emphasising the point that security is a practical subject informed by theory. Staff specialities include strategy, military ethics, air power, maritime strategy, intelligence, defence policy, military history, international law, and international relations.
Middle East Study Group
This think tank brings together people from different disciplines, academic and non-academic, to discuss Middle Eastern affairs. The Middle Eastern Study Group provides forums to consolidate and promote understanding of current affairs, serves as a meeting point for people of different nationalities to converse and debate, and supports freedom of expression and academia.
Poetry and Politics Project
Founded in September 2012, this project explores the connections between poetry, culture, and politics, with a strong emphasis on engagement and outreach events. This has resulted in three international conferences, four public lectures, a heritage open day and a number of media outputs. We are currently working on a volume of essays looking at contemporary warfare from a range of perspectives.
Common Good: Ethics and Rights in Cyber Security (ERCS)
ERCS seeks to understand where the balance lies between security and ethics in digital governance. If the recent controversies of U.S governmental surveillance and implicated technology companies demonstrated anything, it is the need for proportionate, just and effective cybersecurity in digital governance that is committed to the common good.
The South Asia Project
The key objective of this project is to conduct and promote research on South Asian affairs with an emphasis on India. The project defines South Asia as the member countries of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC). It initiates research projects, holds workshops and conferences and provides conference and research fellowships to South Asian scholars.