Dr. Wasim Ahmed is a Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in Marketing. He has specific interests in Data-Driven Marketing and Marketing Analytics.
He has previously worked at the University of Sheffield, Newcastle University, the University of Stirling and Northumbria University. He has also completed an internship at Manchester United FC, producing an in-depth research report. He holds a certificate in AI and machine learning from the University of Oxford.
Dr Ahmed’s research can be summarised in four key areas:
Area 1) Use of Data & AI for business process optimisation and marketing across industries, focusing on helping organisations improve their use of AI.
Area 2) Using data-driven marketing analysis techniques to understand health information sharing, including disinformation, across the Internet and its negative effect on wider public health and individual health.
Area 3) Understanding the positive and negative impacts of social media towards sports clubs and athletes and implications for marketing.
Area 4) Social media marketing and its impact on various sectors such as entertainment marketing, newsrooms, events management, elections, politics, and potential ethical issues raised by digital transformation.
In addition to the above, Dr. Ahmed has also been involved in interdisciplinary research across financial well-being, public health, sustainability and entrepreneurship.
Dr. Ahmed has authored over 40 peer-reviewed academic journal articles. Many of the journals Dr. Ahmed has published in are ranked as either Q1 or Q2 in the SCImago Journal Rankings and have received international media attention. Dr. Ahmed's work also appears in journals ranked by the Academic Journal Guide (ABS), as well as the ABDC Journal Quality List.
Dr. Ahmed's 2020 study investigating the conspiracy linking 5G and COVID-19 has been particularly impactful with an Altmetric score of over 800 including over 800 citations.
Dr. Ahmed has also delivered over 100+ invited talks across industry, government and academia for organisations such as the World Health Organisation (WHO), the Department For Work and Pensions (DWP), the Office of Communications (Ofcom), Edinburgh Science Festival, the British Broadcasting Cooperation (BBC), the South African Broadcasting Cooperation (SABC), and the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN).
Dr. Ahmed has multiple media appearances across print and broadcast and news and TV show appearances. A selection of these can be found below:
The Football News show (BBC) appearance:
BBC World News Live TV Interview:
Sports Day on BBC News:
Discovery+ Documentary on Social Media Influencers:
South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) Live TV Interview:
Lotus FM live radio interview:
BBC Radio Newcastle Live:
Metro Radio:
Dr Ahmed's talk to the World Health Organisation can also be found here:
Dr. Ahmed holds a PhD, Msc and BA (Hons) from the University of Sheffield. He also holds an iPRO Certificate for IT Practitioners which involved completing a work placement at Sheffield Hallam University.
Dr. Ahmed has also been featured in articles by Reuters, and Business Insider and has advised the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) related to social media research methods.
Dr Ahmed's Google Scholar profile can be accessed here:
Dr. Ahmed is always open to collaborate, feel free to get in touch.