Professor Simon Green

Professor Simon Green

Director of the Wilberforce Institute

Faculty and Department

  • Faculty of Arts Cultures and Education
  • School of Criminology, Sociology and Policing


  • BSc (Kingston University)
  • MA (University of Hull)
  • PhD / DPhil (University of Hull)


I am Professor of Criminology and Victimology and research in the areas of modern slavery, victimology, restorative justice and community safety.

I am Director of the Wilberforce Institute (, a world-leading research unit that investigates hidden and oppressive experiences of historical and contemporary forms of enslavement, exploitation and related forms of injustice. I am particularly interested in the identification, experiences, and support for the victims and survivors of modern slavery and organised immigration crime.

Between 2019 and 2023, I was Chair of an EU-funded COST Action called: Cultures of Victimology: understanding patterns of victimisation across Europe (see: and I am currently Principal Investigator of the Humber Violence Prevention Partnership and Co-Investigator of a Community Insights in GRIP hotspot policing. I am also one of University of Hull leads for the ESRC White Rose DTP and Academic lead of the University's AHRC Impact Accelerator Account. I have received funding from the ESRC, Technology Strategy Board, Horizon Europe, British Academy / Leverhulme, Home Office and the Humberside Police and Crime Commissioner.

I have been Head of Social Sciences (2016 -2018), Associate Dean for Research and Enterprise (2018 - 2022), interim PVC Research and Enterprise (2023) and am the author of the Faculty of Arts, Cultures and Education successful Athena Swan Bronze Award (2021 - 2025).

I have previously been the Programme Director for Undergraduate Criminology, Postgraduate Criminology, Professional Policing, Probation Training (Hull lead, Yorkshire and Humberside Probation Training Consortium).

I teach the module 'Victimology, Victims and Witnesses' to second year students on the Professional Policing degree and the module 'Critical Victimology and Contemporary Slavery' on the MA Criminal Justice and Crime Control.

I have extensive experience developing and delivering academic and vocational degrees in criminal justice and significant experience of developing and delivering online distance taught courses in partnership with other universities and training providers. I have previously taught in the areas of: criminological theory, social theory, criminal investigation, crime and politics, victim rights, offenders in the community and restorative justice.

I am a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA).

Recent outputs

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Book Chapter

The Case of the "Missing Victims" of Modern Slavery: A Comparison with Domestic Abuse

Green, S., & Heys, A. (2024). The Case of the “Missing Victims” of Modern Slavery: A Comparison with Domestic Abuse. In M. Krambia Kapardis, C. Clark, A. Warria, & M. Dion (Eds.), Palgrave Handbook on Modern Slavery (359-380). Palgrave Macmillan.

From Invisible to Conspicuous: The Rise of Victim Activism in the Politics of Justice

O’Leary, N., & Green, S. (2020). From Invisible to Conspicuous: The Rise of Victim Activism in the Politics of Justice. In J. Tapley, & P. Davies (Eds.), Victimology : Research, Policy and Activism (159-183). Palgrave Macmillan.

Journal Article

Living in Misery: Child to Parent and Grandparent Violence and Abuse

Mills, T., Green, S., & O'Leary, N. (2023). Living in Misery: Child to Parent and Grandparent Violence and Abuse. Temida, 26(2), 163-188.

Circles of analysis: a systemic model of child criminal exploitation

Barlow, C., Kidd, A., Green, S. T., & Darby, B. (in press). Circles of analysis: a systemic model of child criminal exploitation. Journal of Children's Services,

A New Approach for Researching Victims: The 'Strength-Growth-Resilience' Framework

Green, S., Calverley, A., & O'leary, N. (2021). A New Approach for Researching Victims: The 'Strength-Growth-Resilience' Framework. The British journal of criminology, 61(3), 852-871.

Research interests

My doctoral research critically investigated how different types of community become involved in crime control strategies. Combining social theory, crime prevention, community justice and cultural criminology, my book 'Crime, Community and Morality' (2015) provides a new theory of rule-breaking and an analysis of the risks of involving victims in penal decision-making. My most recent publications are: A New Approach for Researching Victims: The 'Strength-Growth-Resilience' Framework in the British Journal of Criminology available at: and Barlow, Kidd, Green & Darby 'Circles of analysis: a systemic model of child criminal exploitation in the Journal of Children's Services, available at:

My ongoing research interests revolve around the intersection of victimology, community justice, power, agency and exploitation. In particular, I am interested in narrative / cultural victimology and how people construct their self-identity in the aftermath of victimisation. These interests have led me to increasingly research the victims of modern slavery and exploitation; gender-based violence and victim resilience.

Alongside my victimological research, I am heavily involved in developing Knowledge Exchange and am co-lead (with Brennan and Treloar) on the Humberside Police Academic Partnership (H-PAC). In this capacity I am working with colleagues in Computer Science to develop a predictive policing app (iBrief) and VR crime scene and domestic violence de-escalation training scenarios.

Lead investigator







Humberside VRU Evaluation


Humberside Police




1 January 2023




Cultures Of Victimology: understanding processes of victimization across Europe


EC European Commission




1 September 2019




Improving Victim & Police Communication and Confidence


The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Humberside




1 May 2021




Policy Reform for the Victims of Modern Slavery


University of Hull




1 January 2022










Understanding Community Insights into the Impact of GRIP hotspot policing


Home Office




1 January 2024



Postgraduate supervision

I am very interested in supervising doctoral students in the areas of: victimology, exploitation, contemporary slavery, reducing re-offending, restorative justice and community justice more generally

Completed PhD students:

Nicola O'Leary, (PhD Criminology) Negotiating Collective Identities: crime, the media and victim communities.

Kathy Kondor (PhD Criminology), Flying the Árpád Flag: The extreme right in Hungary and the revival of the Hungarism movement.

Alicia Kidd (PhD Social Justice), The Dynamics of Contemporary Slavery and Conflict: agency, asylum and accountability.

Craig Barlow (PhD Criminology), Forced Criminal Exploitation of Children: prevention, prosecution and punishment.

Chloe Wilson (PhD Law), Human Trafficking: Identification, Referral and Rehabilitation. ‘Every Victim Matters’.

Loria-Mae Heywood (PhD Law), Forced Criminal Exploitation of Children: a comparative study of Nigeria, Albania and Vietnam.

Charlotte Russell (PhD Criminology) Child trafficking and vulnerability in refugee camps.

Isabel Arce Zelada (PhD Sociology and Social Anthropology) : Art, Asylum, and Alienhood: Narrative Inequality in the UK Asylum Process (completed 2024)

Current PhD students:

Bethany Darby (PhD Criminology): County Lines: Protecting Children from Organised Crime Groups (submitted)

Reenu Domani Nirmala (PhD Criminology) Sex Trafficking Investigation and Enforcement in India (year 2)

Mike Mckue (PhD Criminology) Trust and Confidence in Policing (year 2, part-time).

Frantisek Conka (PhD Criminology) The Long-Term Reintegration of People with Lived Experience of Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking (year 1, ESRC Collaborative Doctoral Award with The Salvation Army).
