Sally Spencer Grey

Sally Spencer Grey


Faculty and Department

  • Faculty of Health Sciences
  • School of Nursing and Midwifery


  • BSc
  • PGCert (University of Hertfordshire)
  • BSc (University of Hull)
  • MSc (Newcastle University)
  • FHEA


After a brief stint in local government, I retrained and worked as a therapeutic radiographer, followed by a move into Higher Education and then education consultancy in palliative and end of life care. I am a charity trustee for a charity that supports military veterans (NGVFA), still a higher education lecturer in health and social care (University of Hull and the Open University), and currently taken on a new contract developing a new Diagnostic Radiography degree programme at Hull University.

I was a non-executive director in NHS in clinical commissioning for 9.5 years and a lay member for the Royal College of Radiologists (RCR) for 4 years for Council, the Oncology Faculty and JCCC and loved every single minute of it and have been awarded Honorary membership of a RCR .

I am also the lead for the Faculty of Health Sciences Service Evaluation Unit.

Widening participation programme for health and social care

Workbased learning

Radiation protection and awareness


Anatomy and physiology

Professional Advocacy e.g Professional Nurse advocacy

Quality improvement, audit and evaluation

Master's dissertation supervision

Recent outputs

View more outputs


Holderness Integrated Care Centre (HICC) Virtual Frailty Model Pilot Evaluation, Interim Report (March 2021)

Walker, J., & Spencer Grey, S. Holderness Integrated Care Centre (HICC) Virtual Frailty Model Pilot Evaluation, Interim Report (March 2021). Holderness Integrated Care Centre (HICC)

Holderness Integrated Care Centre (HICC) Virtual Frailty Model Pilot Evaluation, Final Report (May 2021)

Walker, J., & Spencer Grey, S. Holderness Integrated Care Centre (HICC) Virtual Frailty Model Pilot Evaluation, Final Report (May 2021). Holderness Integrated Care Centre (HICC)

Combined Acute - Community Trust Antibiotic Service (CACTAS): External Independent Evaluation (February 2022)

Walker, J., & Spencer Grey, S. Combined Acute - Community Trust Antibiotic Service (CACTAS): External Independent Evaluation (February 2022). Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

External Evaluation of the Integrated Care Centre Frailty Support Team Urgent Specialist Advice and Guidance Telephone Line (ICC FST A&G) Final Report (February 2022)

Walker, J., & Spencer Grey, S. External Evaluation of the Integrated Care Centre Frailty Support Team Urgent Specialist Advice and Guidance Telephone Line (ICC FST A&G) Final Report (February 2022). ICC Frailty Support Team

External Evaluation of the COVID Support Unit Specialist Advice and Guidance Telephone Line (CSU) Final Report (May 2022)

Spencer Grey, S., Walker, J., & Hatfield, J. External Evaluation of the COVID Support Unit Specialist Advice and Guidance Telephone Line (CSU) Final Report (May 2022). ICC Frailty Team

Research interests

Authentic leadership

Use of technology in health and social care

Quality improvement

Restorative practice

Awards and prizes

Staff Excellence Award


In October 2021 I received the Staff Excellence Award from the University of Hull for my successful leadership, coordination, support, and supervision of colleagues in relation to learning and teaching. I had been nominated by two Heads of Departments within the Faculty of Health Sciences

Charity role

Charity Trustee and Chair


The National Gulf Veterans and Families Association (NGVFA) was established to support military veterans from desert conflicts and their families . It was established in the aftermath of the First Gulf War (1991) in recognition of the impact of this conflict and service on veterans mental and physical health e.g. Gulf War Syndrome (GWS) and Post Traumatic Stress disorder (PTSD). The charity provides welfare support and guidance, tribunal representation and benefit representation/guidance to the veteran and their families including widows and widowers of veterans.

Charity Trustee (Finance) and member

2004 - 2019

National Association for Palliative Care Educators (NAPCE) 1105508 - To advance the education and research in palliative care and in particular to promote increased knowledge of this subject among those individuals who work with those with cancer, life limiting illnesses and their families. Objectives achieved through regular meetings of the membership, an AGM and a conference held every 2 years in addition to any studies or research the group or individuals undertake. The charity was dissolved in 2019

Cruse Bereavement Care (Hull and East Riding)

1998 - 2008

Cruse Bereavement support worker, Chair of Client Services Committee, Branch Committee Member and Trainer Cruse Bereavement Care exists to promote the well-being of bereaved people and to enable anyone suffering a bereavement caused by death to understand their grief and cope with their loss.

Committee/Steering group role

Vice Chair Athena Swan Self Assessment Team (SAT)


The Athena Swan Charter encourages and recognises the commitment to advancing the careers of women in higher education. The Athena Swan SAT, which is chaired by the FHS Athena Swan lead, will provide leadership, strategic direction and drive gender equality within our Faculty and across higher education and research. The SAT will seek to promote cultural change and ensure that the Athena Swan action plan is embedded across all functions of the Faculty. The FHS achieved its Bronze award in May 2023 and for a period of 5 years. The SAT will be made up of academic staff, with representatives across all schools within FHS (excluding HYMS), and professional services staff. The SAT will act as an advisory body, allowing stakeholder engagement and consultation. The SAT will share best practice and identify issues, risks and opportunities to progress gender equality. It will review the Bronze award action plan, ensuring the Faculty are working towards a Silver award application by 2028. The SAT will report to the FHS EDI Governance Board. The success of the SAT will be monitored via consultation with members.

Fitness to Practice


I was a member of the Fitness to Practice (FTP) Task and Finish Group and I am now a member of the FtP committee , a member of the FtP team and a FTP panel member

Humber & North Yorkshire Health & Care Partnership


The LEAP strategy aims to grow and train our people, working together differently to transform the way we deliver local, regional and national workforce priorities promoting a supportive education culture for the entire workforce. HNY DRAD Delivery Group - clinical placement expansion

HNY ICS Cancer Alliance Patient and Public Representative Group


The Cancer Alliance is a collaboration of: • Health • Social Care • Voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations • Patients and the public As a Patient or Public Representative, your main role will be to use your knowledge and experience to give feedback on and advise about the impact on patients, of work being developed and undertaken by Humber and North Yorkshire Cancer Alliance You will act as a critical friend to the Cancer Alliance, and use your voice to challenge the approach and thinking of those making decisions You should challenge the Cancer Alliance in a way that is appropriate, remaining respectful and open to a wide range of opinions and thought processes

Humber and North Yorkshire Cancer Alliance


Patient and public representatives meeting - ensuring that the voices of people affected by cancer are at the heart of service improvements

NHS Clinical Commissioners

2012 - 2017

NHSCC was an independent collective voice of clinical commissioning groups

Conference attendance

Exploring migrant nurses' experience of academic and practice education conference

2024 - 2024

An interactive conference exploring inclusive environments and reflective practice

The Humber and North Yorkshire Imaging Network Launch/Conference


The Humber and North Yorkshire Imaging Network network launch event with a range of speakers from the national to local teams. The launch provides opportunities to celebrate and share the good work already undertaken, plan for the future and explore new ways of working together to achieve the best possible outcomes for patients within imaging services across the region. The results of the Peer Review will also be shared

London PNA Conference (Online)


London Professional Nurse Advocate Event: celebrating the PNA role Speakers included: Jane Clegg, Chief Nurse, NHSE London Dr. Emma Wadey, Deputy Director Mental Health Nursing, National PNA Programme lead, NHS England Clare Capito, Regional PNA Programme Advisor for London, NHSE and Head of PMA Programme NHSE

Conference organisation

Palliative Care Conference every 2 years

2002 - 2015

NAPCE was established to advance education and research in palliative care and in particular to promote increased knowledge of this subject among those individuals who work with those with cancer, life limiting illness and their families. Objectives achieved through regular meetings of the membership, an AGM and a conference held every 2 years in addition to any studies or research the group or individuals undertake.

Conference presentation

Leading People and Developing their Resilience


Hosted by the MSc Healthcare Leadership (Online) Programme. The 2 day conference explored the connections and impact of leadership on creating resilient people by bring together some high profile successful systems leaders who have faced the challenges of leading complex organisations whilst maintaining and supporting resilience in their teams. It also explored some practical strategies to support staff students and patients in how this can be done and looking at the impact of this work.

Lay Member Network Conference

2015 - 2015

The Lay Member role: Taking stock and looking to the future - Induction for lay members and non executive directors

Consultancy/Industry advisory role

The Humber and North Yorkshire Imaging Network

2022 - 2024

Operating as networks, imaging services will be better placed to manage resources effectively and optimise the access to, and quality of, care for all patients served by the network. Networks offer a range of benefits to patients, staff and the wider NHS

Nye Bevan Leadership Programme Viva Panel Member


NHS Leadership Academy Nye Bevan programme From the very start patients, services users, carers and frontline NHS staff have been integral to the design of the Nye Bevan Programme. The viva day is an important part of this design, with volunteers playing a key role in observing participants and providing feedback. The viva is intended to give participants an opportunity to give an account of their development in relation to patients and NHS staff, and to get feedback. This underlines the golden thread of the programme - that NHS leadership is about improving the service for patients and staff. The key focus of the viva is to: •give participants a chance to articulate their learning •receive feedback on how convincingly they come across as Executive level leaders in this brief interaction

Knowledge Exchange


Through my Knowledge Exchange (KE) activities I provide consultancy and advice in health and social accross a wide range of organisations and topics.

NHS Clinical Commissioners Lay Members Network Mentorship Scheme

2014 - 2017

I was a mentor for other clinical commissioning group lay members/non executive directors

Ethics role

Faculty Ethics review panel member


Honorary position

Honorary Membership


In acknowledgement of my 4 years as a non executive/lay role with the Royal College of Radiologists (RCR) I received an honorary membership of the RCR . "This is in recognition of your exceptional contribution to the work of the RCR through RCR Council, CO Faculty Board, the Joint Council for Clinical Oncology as well as the Lay Member Network. I am delighted to be writing to you with this offer of Honorary Membership and very much hope that you will accept it." At the presentation Dr Tom Roque said: "Since 2016, Sally-Ann has served as a very proactive member of RCR Council, CO Faculty Board, the Joint Council for Clinical Oncology as well as the Lay Member Network. Her clear thinking and proactive contribution always helped committees set a clearer direction and consider external viewpoints, particularly from commissioning and wider NHS perspectives. It is very apparent that she has been completely committed to furthering the work of both Faculties of the RCR during her tenure. RCR staff, Officers and committee members have frequently commented on her great perception, insight and diplomacy. We are, therefore, delighted to award Honorary Membership to Sally-Ann Spencer Grey for her tireless contribution to the RCR." I served on Council, the Oncology Faculty and the Joint Education Committee with the Royal College of Physicians and was part of the interview panel for the new Chief Executive officer for RCR. I was also the RCR lay representative at the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges (AOMRC) which is the coordinating body for the United Kingdom and Ireland's 24 Medical Royal Colleges and Faculties

Honorary Contract


I have an ongoing honorary contract with CHCP to support my Knowledge Exchange quality improvement and evaluation work

Membership/Fellowship of professional body

Fellow of the Higher Education Academy


HCPC Professional Registration ( Radiographer)


College and Society of Radiographers





Open Researcher and Contributor ID 0009-0009-4967-6339

Knowledge Exchange Ambassador and Mentor


Knowledge Exchange is a collaborative endeavour that translates knowledge and research into impact. It includes a set of activities, processes and skills that enable close collaboration between universities and partner organisations to deliver commercial, environmental and cultural benefits. a KE ambassador champions the work and role of KE and as a mentor provides advice and support for those interested/involved in KE

Yorkshire and Humber Clinical skills and simulation Network (YHCSSN)


Networks are the future of innovating and sharing best practices in simulation

Non Executive Director ERY CCG ( public and patient engagement)

2012 - 2022

East Riding of Yorkshire Clinical Commissioning Group (ERY CCG) Governing Body Lay Member for Public and Patient Involvement (PPI). My role was primarily as a patient champion and to ensure the interest of patients were at the heart of all decision making and to challenge and act as a critical friend to the Executive and clinical members. The CCG was responsible for commissioning decisions for 330,000 residents and annual £420m budget and strategic planning of services. I was a member of a number of key committees alongside the Governing Body including the Quality, Performance and Improvement Committee which provided oversight of the quality and performance of NHS organisations and others, e.g. nursing homes, that we commissioned services from, this also dealt with CQC inspections , Service Redesign and Commissioning Committee, Research and Development Committee, iBCF. I also chaired a range of committees including the Primary Care commissioning committee (held in Public) and the Individual Funding Request panel and Clinical Policy Sub Group . Towards the end of this appointment as the new Integrated Care System agenda was being developed and legislation established to dissolve CCGs and create Integrated Care Boards, I was a member of the NED Advisory Panel for Humber and North Yorkshire, advising colleagues as to the potential impact of this change on patients services and ensuring statutory responsibilities and crucial services would not be interrupted by this legislative and structural change and to advise and agree a business continuity plan and transfer of authority and accountability
