Lecturer in Organisational Behaviour / Analysis
Dr Marianne Afanassieva is a lecturer in organisational analysis and behaviour. With a background in political economy and economics, Marianne is interested in new institutional approaches, economic sociology, issues of trust and networks. The current interest in creative / cultural industries applies this inter-disciplinary approach, whereby she collaborates with colleagues across the University of Hull through her membership of the Culture, Place and Policy Institute. Dr Afanassieva was previously a research fellow at the University of Wolverhampton's Local Economic Development in Transition Economies Unit. Participated in a focus group on the Civic Role of Arts Organisations, organised by What Next? and Heads Up Festival in Hull (October 2016) Member of the steering group for the project, Creation of Cross-Disciplinary Doctoral Programme in contemporary Russian and Chinese Law in a Global Economy (RUCHIN), Erasmus Lifelong Learning Programme (2010-2012)
Toward the adoption of digital assistive technology: Factors affecting older people's initial trust formation
Weck, M., & Afanassieva, M. (2023). Toward the adoption of digital assistive technology: Factors affecting older people's initial trust formation. Telecommunications Policy, 47(2), Article 102483. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.telpol.2022.102483
Does having more women on the board impact firms' acquisition behavior?
Bozionelos, N., & Afanassieva, M. (2015). Does having more women on the board impact firms' acquisition behavior?. The Academy of Management perspectives, 29(1), 1-3. https://doi.org/10.5465/amp.2015.0038
Survival through networks: the 'grip' of the administrative links in the Russian post-Soviet context
Afanassieva, M. (2015). Survival through networks: the 'grip' of the administrative links in the Russian post-Soviet context. Public management review, 17(9), 1261-1281. https://doi.org/10.1080/14719037.2014.906964
Dr Afanassieva's current research is focused on new institutional approaches to the operation of organisations in the creative/cultural industries as well as inter-organisational networks and trust in the context of transition economies; regional development, gender and economic transition. She welcomes applications from potential PhD students interested in these and related areas. Completed PhDs - Dr Khalid Alogaili, The Influence of National Culture on Leadership Styles in Saudi Arabia, first supervisor (2016) - Dr Jasim Tariq, Exploring Entrepreneurial Motivations and Barriers: a Study of Female Business Owners in Pakistan, second supervisor (2016) - Dr Mohamed Musa, Financial Experts and the Impact on the Role and Authority of Audit Committees in Relation to Financial Reporting: a Comparative Study of the US, UK and Germany, second supervisor (2016) Current PhD supervisions - Jurry Hatammimi, Institutional Entrepreneurship in Creative Industries in Emerging Markets: The Case of Fashion Industry in Bandung, Indonesia, first supervisor
Marketing Management and Business Strategy
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