I am a Research Associate in the Department of Criminology, Sociology and Policing. Having lectured in Psychology and Criminology for over 25 years, I joined the University of Hull as a PhD candidate in 2019. My thesis was titled, uncomfortably numb: an exploration of affective carceral strains through the lens of the depersonalising young male prisoner.
Currently I am part of a team involved in a Focused Deterrence Project called ‘Another Chance’ which is being funded through the Youth Endowment Fund and the Home Office This research will form part of an evaluation that will determine the benefits and limitations of a multi-site focused deterrence programme. The study’s findings will provide valuable information that will be used to inform policy decisions and help reduce violence in the United Kingdom. More recently, the YEF Focused Deterrence team have successfully bid for another project that will be carrying out a qualitative systematic review of focused deterrence as an intervention model. This research will help to define the parameters of this intervention, to categorise intervention subtypes and to provide guidance for the deployment of this intervention.
Prior to my current research focus I was involved with a research programme that examined the impact of dissociative disorders on academic performance among Further Education College students as well as a project that explored depersonalisation symptoms within an in-patient acute crisis unit.