Lucy Cowperthwaite

Lucy Cowperthwaite

Lecturer in Paramedic Science

Faculty and Department

  • Faculty of Health Sciences
  • School of Paramedical PeriOperative and Advanced Practice


  • BSc (University of Hull)
  • BSc (University of Leeds)
  • PCAP (University of Hull)


Lucy is a registered Adult Nurse, who joined the University in 2020 as a Lecturer in Operating Department Practice. Lucy is now a Lecturer in Paramedic Science, joining the team in August 2023. Before her academic career, she gained extensive experience in Perioperative care, primarily as a Scrub Practitioner and Surgical First Assistant in Orthopaedic and Neuro Spinal surgeries. Additionally, she worked as an Anaesthetic Practitioner across various specialties. In her clinical roles, Lucy mentored Operating Department Practitioner Students and Nursing students, advancing to the position of Advanced Clinical Mentor.

During her time on the ODP programme Lucy worked as the Lead for Apprenticships, working closely with practice partners and senior leadership teams within the Faculty of Health Sciences, and wider University. Lucy is now the Admissions Tutor on the Paramedic Science program. In her role as Admissions Tutor, Lucy is responsible for overseeing the selection and recruitment process for prospective students. In her role as a lecturer, Lucy is the module lead for several modules, including Anatomy & Physiology for Paramedics, Applied Anatomy & Physiology for Paramedics, Pathophysiology for Paramedics, and Preparing for Professional Practice. Lucy has previously lead modules on the ODP programme including Post-Operative and Post-Anaesthetic Care module, and the Fundamentals of Operating Department Practice module. Lucy also supervises on the Assessment and Support for Learners in Professional Practice (Mentorship) module, and First Step Study Skills (UC) module.

Lucy's comprehensive expertise in both practice and academia ensures students receive a rich and diverse educational experience. She is recognised as a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA), underscoring her commitment to excellence in teaching and learning.

Lucy's teaching interests are diverse and deeply centered on enhancing the educational experience for students. She is particularly interested in the use of human tissues to teach anatomy, providing students with a realistic and hands-on understanding of the human body. Additionally, she is keenly focused on developing student resilience, recognising the importance of preparing students to face the challenges of a demanding profession. Lucy also has a strong interest in supporting students who experience death as part of their training, ensuring they are equipped with the emotional and professional tools necessary to handle such experiences compassionately and effectively.

Along with her Adult Nursing BSC, Lucy holds a BSc in Psychology, which brings a valuable perspective to the field of paramedicine and education. Her background in psychology enhances her understanding of human behavior, mental health, and the cognitive processes involved in learning and decision-making. This knowledge is instrumental in her approach to teaching, allowing her to develop strategies that improve student engagement, resilience, and emotional intelligence. It also enables her to support students more effectively, particularly in dealing with the psychological aspects of experiencing death and trauma in their professional roles. Lucy's interdisciplinary expertise enriches the educational experience for her students, fostering a holistic approach to paramedic science education. Currently, Lucy is furthering her expertise by studying for an MA in Education, contributing to her role, providing deeper insights into educational theory, curriculum design, and pedagogical strategies. The MA in Education equips Lucy with the latest research and best practices in teaching and learning, which she applies directly to her modules and student interactions.
