Dr Lisa Revell

Dr Lisa Revell

Lecturer in Social Work / Director of Student Experience

Faculty and Department

  • Faculty of Health Sciences
  • School of Psychology and Social Work


  • BA (University of Hull)
  • MSc (University of Hull)
  • PhD / DPhil (University of Hull)


Lisa qualified from the University of Hull in 2000 with a DipSW in Social Work and a degree in Social Work and Social Policy. Lisa practiced within Local Authority Social Services (North East Lincolnshire), specifically in the field of Looked After Children and Child Protection, prior to taking up post as Children’s Services Practitioner within the NSPCC in September 2004. Lisa has been based within the University since January 2009, and commenced her role as Lecturer in November 2011.

Since being at the University, Lisa has held the roles of BA Programme Director (2013 - 2017) and Director of Social Work (2017-2020). Lisa is currently the Director of Student Experience for the Faculty of Health Sciences.

Lisa completed an MSc in Applied Social Research in 2008, developing a specific interest in the area of supporting children and families coping with the aftermath of child sexual abuse. Lisa gained her PGCHE in 2011 and recently completed her PhD in the area of child neglect.

Lisa is a Senior Fellow of the HEA and Registered Social Worker.

Director of Student Experience

Faculty Lead Student Experience (2020 - ongoing)

Recent outputs

View more outputs

Journal Article

Narratives of Neglect in Social Work with Children and Families: The Relationship between Voice and Narrative

Revell, L. (2022). Narratives of Neglect in Social Work with Children and Families: The Relationship between Voice and Narrative. Child Abuse Review, 31(6), Article e2780. https://doi.org/10.1002/car.2780

Signs of Safety and the Paradox of Simplicity: Insights from Research with Social Work Students

White, C., Bell, J., & Revell, L. (in press). Signs of Safety and the Paradox of Simplicity: Insights from Research with Social Work Students. Practice: Social Work in Action, https://doi.org/10.1080/09503153.2022.2045009

Professional curiosity in child protection: Thinking the unthinkable in a Neo-Liberal World

Burton, V., & Revell, L. (2018). Professional curiosity in child protection: Thinking the unthinkable in a Neo-Liberal World. The British journal of social work, 48(6), 1508-1523. https://doi.org/10.1093/bjsw/bcx123

Supervision and the dynamics of collusion : a rule of optimism?

Revell, L., & Burton, V. (2016). Supervision and the dynamics of collusion : a rule of optimism?. The British journal of social work, 46(6), 1587-1601. https://doi.org/10.1093/bjsw/bcv095


Exploring narratives of neglect in social work practice with children and families : whose narratives? : what neglect?

Revell, L. Exploring narratives of neglect in social work practice with children and families : whose narratives? : what neglect?. (Thesis). University of Hull. https://hull-repository.worktribe.com/output/4222709

Research interests

Child Neglect, Children and Family Social work, Narrative approaches, Supervision in Social Care








Partners in Practice


ERYC East Riding of Yorkshire Council




23 September 2019



Postgraduate supervision

Child Protection, Children and Family Social Work, Working with mothers, Child Neglect
