- CertHE
- DipHE
- PGDip
- BSc (University of Hull)
- PGCert (University of Hull)
- MSc (University of Hull)
Lisa has worked at the University since 2015- seconded as a lecturer practitioner, moving to a full time lecturer's post in 2017. She is currently Programme and Module leader for the Professional Nurse Advocate (PNA) and Programme and Module leader for 'Assessment & support for learners in Professional Practice' (mentorship).
Lisa began her career as a Registered General Nurse (adult). In 1995 she completed her midwifery training and in 1998- Specialist Community Public Health Nursing (health visitor) training. Her 32 year NHS career has predominantly focused on midwifery and SCPHN advanced nursing practice.
Lisa holds a BSc in Health Professional Studies and an MSc in Health Studies (Leadership and Education).
She is an NMC recorded V100 Nurse prescriber, NMC Recorded Teacher, P.G. Cert. Practice Teacher and Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
Lisa's external roles include: Fellow of the Institute of Health Visiting (IHV). IHV Perinatal Mental Health Champion. Expert reviewer for ‘Health and Care Research Wales Research for Public and Patient Benefit’. External Examiner for Edinburgh Queen Mary’s University.
Lisa is an NMC Registered Teacher, PGCert Ed. Practice Teacher and a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
She supervises students and teaches on many different study modules for pre and post registration healthcare courses(from certificate through to master's level study).
Teaching subject areas include- Professional Nurse Advocate, Specialist Community Public Health Nursing, mentorship, supervision, leadership and education within Professional and Advanced clinical practice.
Digital Artefact
Journal Article
Presentation / Conference Contribution
ViPER - Introducing a service to deliver restorative supervision for nursing students, to improve retention and raise the quality of student experiences.
Jennison, L., Walker, J., Credland, N., Dixon, P., & Dunn, R. (2024, April). ViPER - Introducing a service to deliver restorative supervision for nursing students, to improve retention and raise the quality of student experiences. Paper presented at RCN Education Forum National Conference and Exhibition 2024: Future Insights: Enabling professional practice in health and social care nursing education, York
Research interests
Lisa is interested in restorative clinical supervision, role of the Professional Nurse Advocate, healthcare workforce staff development and the preceptorship of novice health care Professionals.
She has been involved in a primary research project which provided Restorative Supervision to HEI staff, using the PNA model to improve health and wellbeing. She is currently working on a project with BSc nursing students entitled 'Does a Pre- Registration Summer School aid student in their transition into university and support ongoing retainment and successful completion of studies?' Lisa is a co- investigator on an NIHR bid research project entitled 'The impact of the Professional Nurse Advocate role on the psychological health, wellbeing and retention of critical care nurses'.