Research interests
External Examining (PhD)
•Anne Bartlett-Bragg (University of Technology, Sydney, Australia), December 2013
•Louisa Panichi: (internal examiner) Participation in language learning in virtual worlds. An exploratory case study of a Business English course (University of Pisa), September 2014
•Thamer Binmahboob, (internal examiner), Integration of Graphic organisers into Writing Workshops: Perceptions of Saudi Second Language learners, Sept 2014.
•Alison McNamara, Touch Screen Interactivity in Mathematics Education at primary School Level (National University of Ireland, Galway, EIRE), December 2015
•Zeynep Polat-Yaseen, Student-generated animations and the teaching and learning of chemistry, (University of Technology, Sydney, Australia), March 2016
•Banny Chan Shun Kei, A study on the development of Hong Kong community students’’ digital literacy through storytelling (Hong Kong University,), Nov 2017
•Paul Flynn, Collaboratively Exploring the History of Education for Community of Practice Formation in Undergraduate Initial Teacher Education, ( National University of Ireland, Galway, EIRE, October 2016)
•Erica Lau (internal examiner), An Investigation of Transnational Higher Education in Hong Kong: Developing Transcultural Communities of Practice (May, 2017)
•Emma Asprey, Critical reflection by trainee teachers in collaborative online weekly logs, Bath Spa (May 2019)
* Michael Parr, An exploration of the influence of mobile technologies on undergraduate physiotherapy student learning. Northumbria University (2020)
* Sally McHugh, Learningful Play: Exploring the design of technology, learning and play to enhance children’s engagement with cultural heritage in schools and museums, NUI Galway Ireland (2020)
* Karl Royle, A retrospective review of educational interventions and innovations using actor network theory. Creating learning designs that develop human capabilities by purposeful assembly of heterogenous actors, University of Wolverhampton (2021)
•Samuel Ikechukwu Eneje. Educating Sub-Saharan Africa: Assessing Mobile Application Use in a Higher Learning Engineering Programme, Lancaster University (Nov. 2021)
PhD Completions and supervisions:
•Al-Ain Haji Jamain (funded by Brunei government) ‘Interactive Whiteboard in Primary schools in Brunei Darussalam’ (Sept 2014)
•Mohammed Alghamdi: ‘An investigation of using Web 2.0 technologies in educational supervision’.( funded by Saudi Arabia government) (Sept 2016)
•Louise Shorthouse (University of Hull Scholarship (May 2017)
•Howard Scott (University Scholarship) ‘Social Media fatigue v enhanced engagement. (May 2018)
•Margaret Korosec (funded by Hymers College, Hull) ‘Analytics and Student Retention’ ( Dec 2018)
•Christine O’Dea ( Nov 2019)
•Ella Alhouit, University of Hull (July 2021)
•Jacqui Bartram, University of Hull (Oct 2021)