Professor Igor Schindler

Professor Igor Schindler

Reader in Psychology

Faculty and Department

  • Faculty of Health Sciences
  • School of Psychology and Social Work


Graduate Research Director, School of Life Sciences/ ESRC White Rose DTP Deputy Director, Wellbeing, Health & Communities. Dr Igor Schindler joined the University of Hull in 2005, having previously worked as senior research associate at the University of Durham and as post-doctoral researcher at INSERM U371 ‘Cerveau et Vision' in Bron, France. Before he was awarded a PhD at the University of Hamburg in 2001, he worked as a clinical neuropsychologist in the Clinical Neuropsychology Research Group (EKN) in Munich, Germany. His main research interests focus on multisensory brain processes supporting our interactions with the environment. For this research, he uses behavioural and brain stimulation techniques (e.g. TMS, tDCS).

Recent outputs

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Journal Article

Human but not robotic gaze facilitates action prediction

Tidoni, E., Holle, H., Scandola, M., Schindler, I., Hill, L., & Cross, E. S. (2022). Human but not robotic gaze facilitates action prediction. iScience, 25(6), Article 104462.

Left amygdala and putamen activation modulate emotion driven decisions in the iterated Prisoner's Dilemma game

Eimontaite, I., Schindler, I., De Marco, M., Duzzi, D., Venneri, A., & Goel, V. (2019). Left amygdala and putamen activation modulate emotion driven decisions in the iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma game. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 13(JUL), Article 741.

Transcranial magnetic stimulation over contralateral primary somatosensory cortex disrupts perception of itch intensity

Jones, O., Schindler, I., & Holle, H. (2019). Transcranial magnetic stimulation over contralateral primary somatosensory cortex disrupts perception of itch intensity. Experimental Dermatology, 28(12), 1380-1384.

Differential roles of polar orbital prefrontal cortex and parietal lobes in logical reasoning with neutral and negative emotional content

Eimontaite, I., Goel, V., Raymont, V., Krueger, F., Schindler, I., & Grafman, J. (2018). Differential roles of polar orbital prefrontal cortex and parietal lobes in logical reasoning with neutral and negative emotional content. Neuropsychologia, 119, 320-329.

Transcranial magnetic stimulation over left inferior frontal and posterior temporal cortex disrupts gesture-speech integration

Zhao, W., Riggs, K., Schindler, I., & Holle, H. (2018). Transcranial magnetic stimulation over left inferior frontal and posterior temporal cortex disrupts gesture-speech integration. Journal of Neuroscience, 38(8), 1891-1900.








NIHR Mental Health Research Group


NIHR National Institute for Health Research




1 November 2024




White Rose Social Sciences Doctoral Training Partnership


ESRC Economic & Social Research Council




1 October 2017



Postgraduate supervision

Completed PhDs - Olivia Jones, The functional anatomy of acute and chronic itch - Iveta Eimontaite, Anatomical and behavioural correlates of emotion- induced social decision making - Lina Aimola, Cognitive and anatomical correlates of neglect in near and far space - Gaston Madrid, Visual attention and word recognition - Nichola Rice-Cohen, The neural correlates of visual consciousness Current PhDs - Wanying Zhao, Neural correlates of gesture processing (2013-2017) - Lee Parkin, Anatomical and gender differences in near and far space processing (since 2017) - Zoe Petmezas-Walker, Psoriasis, chronic itch and cortical hyperexcitability: A brain stimulation approach (since 2017) - Alexandra Foulds, Action anticipation in children and adolescents with and without autism (since 2017)
