Research interests
- Music and the environment
- Music, health and wellbeing
- Music and emotion
- Music performance
Postgraduate supervision
Completed PhDs
Kussner M, Shape, Drawing and Gesture: Cross-Modal Mappings of Sound and Music (2014), completed at King's College, London (second supervisor).
Feygelson E, Nonverbal Communication in Improvised Contexts: Observing the Exchange of Musical Ideas at the i=u Festival (2015), completed at King's College, London (second supervisor)
Presicce, G., The Role of Engagement and Visual Imagery in Music Listening (2019), completed at The University of Hull (first supervisor).
Todd, R., 'Play' in Chamber Ensemble Music Rehearsal (2021), completed at The University of Hull (co-supervisor).
Zhang, X., 'The use of Technology in Music Education in China (2022) completed at The University of Hull (co-supervisor).
Current PhD supervisions
Ellie Dabell: Transitions in Music Education (co-supervisor).
Wayne Willis: Climate and behaviour change (co-supervisor).