Research interests
Fiona's main interests are in the field of work-place stress and fatigue. Her focus has primarily been on researching work-related stress and applying this to real-world settings. Specific areas of interest include: Evaluating bespoke occupational stress risks in public and private sector organisations, understanding mental and physical workload and their relationship to fatigue, exploring key manager- and peer-support activities and their relationship to employee mental health, complex task performance and performance breakdown under stress, the impact of various non-optimal working conditions on fatigue and the impact of shift work on performance and well-being.
Collaborations include: HSE, Novartis Pharmaceuticals, Vivergo Biofuels, East Riding of Yorkshire Council, Hull City Council, North Lincolnshire Council, North East Lincolnshire Council, Humberside Police, Humberside Fire and Rescue, KCOM Group, Northern Ireland Fire Service, Siemens, Centrica, G+global, Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult (OREC), British Gas, Siemens, Orsted Energy, Northern PowerGrid, SSE, Energy Networks Association, Association of Ambulance Chief Executives, British Transport Police, John Sisk Ltd., Cumbria County Council, Cumberland Council, Singleton Birch Ltd and the Cabinet Office.