Professor Colin Tyler

Professor Colin Tyler

Professor of Applied Ethics and Political Theory

Faculty and Department

  • Faculty of Business, Law and Politics
  • School of Politics and International Studies


  • BA (University of Reading)
  • MA (University of York)
  • PhD / DPhil (University of York)
  • MA (University of Hull)


Colin Tyler in Professor of Applied Ethics and Political Theory, in the School of Politics and International Studies. His research and teaching focuses on the free society, British idealism and the New Liberalism, the theory and practice of social justice and common good politics both in historical and contemporary settings.

Professor Tyler served as the Associate Dean (Research) in the FBLP, from July 2000 to June 2023. Currently, he is the Director of the FBLP Institute of Applied Ethics and of the Centre for Idealism and the New Liberalism, as well as convening the UK PSA British Idealism Specialist Group. He is a Fellow of both the Academy of Social Sciences and the Royal Historical Society, as well as being a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.

Since being appointed at Hull University in 2000, Colin has published seventy books, critical editions, peer-reviewed articles and book chapters, with articles appearing in major international journals including Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie, British Journal of the History of Philosophy, Contemporary Political Theory, European Journal of Social Theory, History of European Ideas, Journal of Information Ethics, Parliamentary Studies and Political Studies. His books have been published by Palgrave MacMillan, Routledge, Continuum, and others. His most recent monograph is Common Good Politics: British idealism and social justice in the contemporary world (Palgrave MacMillan, 2017).

Colin has supervised many doctoral and MPhil students during his career, all to successful completion. Their topics have included British idealist theory and practice, issues relating to social justice including in relation to cultural diversity, contemporary political theory, and applied international relations theory. His current full doctoral students are researching topics in Schmittian political theory, civil disobedience, and the politics of the contemporary self. In addition, Colin has supervised many international visiting doctoral students, researching the influence of British idealist and New Liberal philosophy and practice in Italy and Spain.

Currently, Professor Tyler holds a Visiting Professorship at the University of Lorraine, France. In the Fall of 2014, he was a Visiting Professor at Wake Forest University, USA. In 2018, he was a Visiting Professor at Yokohama National University, Japan. He has lectured at various universities in Italy, Japan and Poland, as well as being employed previously at the University of York and University College London. He is a Peer Reviewer for several grant funding bodies including the AHRC and Narodowa Agencja Wymiany Akademickiej (Poland).

History of Political Thought

Critical political economy

Civil disobedience

Political theory and ideologies

International relations theory

Recent outputs

View more outputs

Book Chapter

Carlo Rosselli and British Anti-fascist thought

Tyler, C. (2023). Carlo Rosselli and British Anti-fascist thought. In P. Chiantera-Stutte, & M. Pagano (Eds.), La Forza Della Liberta: L’Antifascismo dall’Aventino alla Seconda Guerra Mondiale (221-232). Pisa, Italy: Pacini Editore SrI


Bibliography of Helen Bosanquet (n‚e Dendy) (1860-1925)

Tyler, C. (2023). Bibliography of Helen Bosanquet (née Dendy) (1860-1925). [Dataset]

Bibliography of Andrew Seth Pringle-Pattison (1856-1931)

Tyler, C. (2023). Bibliography of Andrew Seth Pringle-Pattison (1856-1931). [Dataset]

Journal Article

Multicultural Conversations : The Nature and Future of Culture, Identity and Nationalism

Tyler, C., Modood, T., Parekh, B., Uberoi, V., & Connelly, J. (in press). Multicultural Conversations : The Nature and Future of Culture, Identity and Nationalism. Ethnicities,

Edward Caird Miscellenea

Tyler, C. (2024). Edward Caird Miscellenea. Collingwood and British Idealism Studies, 29(1), 117-145

Research interests

Free society, theory and applied

Common good politics

British idealism and the New Liberalism

Jeremy Bentham's political thought

History of European political thought since 1789

Lead investigator







Instrumental Values: Professional ethics in collaborative cultural works


Liverpool John Moores University




1 April 2017




Daiwa Foundation Small Grant


Daiwa Anglo Japanese Foundation




1 July 2017










NERC: Supporting Interdisciplinarity in Discovery Science 2022


NERC Natural Environment Research Council




1 October 2022



Postgraduate supervision

British idealist social and political thought and practice

The free society, especially protest and civil disobedience

Common good politics

International relations theory

Jeremy Bentham's political thought

Social economics, especially critics of capitalism

Committee/Steering group role

Member of the University REF Steering Group

2018 - 2021

Member of the University Research Committee


Director of the Institute of Applied Ethics, Hull University


Convenor of the UK Political Studies Association British Idealism Specialist Group


Director of the Centre of Idealism and the New Liberalism, Hull University


Co-Founding Director of the CINL

External examiner role

External examiner, Department of Politics, Loughborough University

2014 - 2017

External examiner, Undergraduate Programmes, Department of Politics, University of Loughborough

External examiner, Department of Politics, University of York

2011 - 2014

2011-14: External examiner, MA programmes in political philosophy, Department of Politics, University of York

External examiner, School of Government and International Affairs, Durham University

2011 - 2014

2008-11: External examiner, Undergraduate programmes, School of Government and International Affairs, Durham University

External moderator, Combined Honours in Social Sciences, Durham University

2009 - 2010

2009-10: External moderator, Combined Honours in Social Sciences, Durham University

External moderator, Joint Honours in Social Sciences and Health, Durham University

2009 - 2010

2009-10: External moderator, Joint Honours in Social Sciences and Health, Durham University

Honorary position

Visiting Scholar, St John's College, Oxford University

2007 - 2007

Summer 2007: Visiting Scholar, St. John’s College, University of Oxford.

Journal editorial role

Editorial advisory board, Politics and Religion


Editor of the International Journal for Social Economics

2011 - 2016

Editorial Board, Collingwood and British Idealism Studies


Membership/Fellowship of professional body

Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences


Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy


Fellow of the Royal Historical Society


UK Political Studies Association


UK PSA Member since 1993


Visiting Professor, Yokohama National University, Japan

2018 - 2018

July to September 2018: Visiting Professor, International Social Sciences Section, Yokohama National University, Japan (salaried)

Visiting Professor, Wake Forest University, USA

2014 - 2015

Fall semester, 2014-15: Visiting Professor of Politics and International Affairs, Department of Politics and International Affairs, Wake Forest University, USA

Research assessment service

Peer reviewer, Narodowa Agencja Wyniany Akademickiej (Poland)


External Expert on the Polish Narodowa Agencja Wyniany Akademickiej (NAWA) Database of Experts.

Member of the AHRC Peer Review College

2019 - 2023

REF2020 External Reader, Durham University

2018 - 2021

External reader for the possible political theory and history of political thought items for Durham University

REF Lead, Politics UOA, Hull University

2012 - 2014

I took over as Politics REF Lead in February 2012

Scholarship role

Visiting Professor, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Poland

2019 - 2019

Professor Tyler was a Visiting Professor at Nicolaus Copernicus University, Poland, in November 2019,

International Lecturer, Genoa University, Italy

2015 - 2015

November 2015: International Lecturer, Department of Social and Political Science, Genoa University, Italy

Visiting Scholar, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun, Poland

2013 - 2013

May 2013: Visiting Scholar, Institute of Philosophy, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun, Poland (honorarium)

Visiting Scholar, Nagasaki University, Japan

2012 - 2012

March 2012: Visiting Scholar, Yokohama National University, Japan (with honorarium)

Visiting Scholar, Yokohama National University, Japan

2012 - 2012

March 2012: Visiting Scholar, Yokohama National University, Japan

Visiting Scholar, Chuo University, Japan

2000 - 2000

September 2000: Visiting Scholar, Chuo University, Japan (with honorarium)

Visiting Scholar, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan

2000 - 2000

September 2000: Visiting Scholar, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan (with honorarium)

Visiting Scholar, Yokohama National University, Japan

2000 - 2000

September 2000: Visiting Scholar, Yokohama National Universities, Japan
