Postgraduate supervision
Andy is happy to supervise a range of postgraduate research topics relating to his areas of research specialism, including
- city regionalism and its geopolitics
- sustainable cities and circular cities
- politics of urban and regional redevelopment
- alternative/diverse economic spaces
- geographies of labour control and regulation
Completed PhDs supervised/co-supervised
- Hang Vo, Bridging the Policy Implementation Gap through Public Projects: From Policy Aspiration to Implementation to Actual Policy Impacts
- Malgorzata Pusz, Social enterprise-led local development of the circular economy : socio-spatial networks and value-impact scaling pathways
- Enrico Tommarchi, A Critical Analysis of the Relation between Cultural Policies and Strategic Urban Planning in Port Cities (2021)
- Hesham Waddani, Urban Forests in Tripoli, Libya: Policies and Citizen Participation (2021)
- Mbali Pewa, Investigating the Sustainability of Waste Recycling in South Africa (2020)
- Hui Yang, The Evolution of Endogenous Traditional Industry Clusters: a Case Study of the Chinese Liquor Industry (2020)
- Samuel Ramsden, Supporting Pro-Environmental Behaviours in Deprived Urban British Communities: Who is Responsible and How Can it be Done? (2018)
- Muhammad Haji-Abdullah, Analysis of the Suitability of the Socio-Technical Transition to the Development of Low Carbon Transportation in Brunei Darussalam (2016)
- Sarinah Omar, Sungai Liang Industrial Park: can Brunei Achieve its Sustainable Industrial Development? (2016)
- Stephen Hall, Transportation and Low-Carbon Governance in City-Regions (2015)
- Erin DeMuynk, Farmers' Markets and Urban Sustainability, external committee member, University of Illinois, USA (2015)
- Marcela Mele, Suburban Development and Livelihood Strategies in Tirana City-Region (2011)
- Andrew Kythreotis, Sustainability Governance and Scalar Politics in the UK (2010)
- David Haigh, Social Enterprise and Alternative Economic Spaces in the UK (2009)
- Maksuder Rahman, Neighbourhood and Household Environmental Problems in Chittagong (2008)
- Felicity Powell, Social issues in UK Regional Planning (2005)
- Alison Williams, Technogeopolitics and Representations of the Pacific as US Territory (2005)
Current PhD supervisions
- Caitlin Matthews, Olympic Cities, Carbon Footprint and Olympic Legacy
- Saira Mian, Place, Death and Inequalities (Covid Cluster)
- Dzifa Puplampu, Climate Resilience and Urban Infill (White Rse DTP)
- Heather Rogers, Employment and skills in development of the circular economy (Cresting)
- Santiago Perez (University of Troyes, Frances), Territory, industrial ecology and the circular economy (Cresting)
- Renae Dyball, London Shocks: Histories and Geographies of Environmental Crisis in a Global City (White Rose DTP)