Dr Andrew Holmes

Dr Andrew Holmes

Senior Lecturer

Faculty and Department

  • Education
  • Teaching Excellence Academy


  • BSc
  • EdD
  • MSc
  • PGCert
  • PGDip


Formally the Director of teaching in learning in the School of Education Andrew has worked in higher education for over 20 years, including working with a wide range of external partner organizations, both public, NHS, private and not-for-profit sectors to develop, accredit and/or directly deliver work-based learning.

Andrew is a keen, friendly and enthusiastic facilitator with extensive experience and expertise in/of the design, development and delivery of higher education courses. He is passionate about encouraging every learner's development of applied skills, theoretical and tacit knowledge for the workplace and life and encouraging independent learning.

He is a seconded Senior Fellow of the University's Teaching Excellence Academy, working collaboratively on an institution and sector-wide competence based assessment framework C-BAss.

He was the network convenor for the Universities Association for Lifelong Learning (UALL https://www.uall.ac.uk/) Administration Network from 2001-2011.

Andrew is a Senior Fellow of the HEA, an International Entrepreneurship Educators Programme Fellow, member of the IQA, an NGCE Enterprise Educator and holds the D32/D34 NVQ assessor/internal verifier qualifications.

Andrew has managed externally funded research projects, including European Social Fund and, YHELLN ones. He was responsible for developing and implementing the University Foundation Award (UFA progamme) of accreditation for part-time courses, which ran for over 20 years and allowed thousands of people in our region to access part-time higher education courses and become students of the university of Hull.

Andrew is a Director and Trustee of the charity Hull and East Yorkshire Children's University https://www.hullchildrensuniversity.com/ and has worked with and supported their work for over 15 years.

He is a member of the University's Enactus Steering Group https://enactus.org/

As of 2021 academic year he is an elected Faculty representative on Senate.

Programme Director for BA Education Studies.

I teach across a range of levels from Foundation Year to Masters.

FY Supervisor/tutor

UG Research methods (evening FD).

UG Ethics and the Moral Maze

UG Placements module

UG Dissertation (Evening)

M Contemporary and Critical Perspectives (evening and daytime)

UG and M dissertation supervision.

Personal Supervisor.

PhD/EdD supervisor/examiner

Have previously taught courses including enterprise and entrepreneurship, intrapreneurship, problem solving, project management, study skills, leadership and management, customer service, quality systems management, problem solving, and product/system focused problem solving, project management, key skills development.

Recent outputs

View more outputs


Coaching and Mentoring: A complete introduction

Holmes, A. (2022). Coaching and Mentoring: A complete introduction. Kindle Direct Publishing

Journal Article

Developing University Students' Assessment Literacy: Theory and Practice

Holmes, A. (2024). Developing University Students’ Assessment Literacy: Theory and Practice. Innovare Journal of Education, 2(5), 26-31. https://doi.org/10.22159/ijoe.2024v12i5.52282

Fostering Learner Autonomy in Higher Education through Coaching and Mentoring for Non-Traditional Learners

Holmes, A. G. D. (2023). Fostering Learner Autonomy in Higher Education through Coaching and Mentoring for Non-Traditional Learners. Shanlax International Journal of Education, 11(4), 69-76. https://doi.org/10.34293/education.v11i4.6185

'I was really upset and it put me off': The emotional impact of assessment feedback on first-year undergraduate students

Holmes, A. G. D. (2023). 'I was really upset and it put me off': The emotional impact of assessment feedback on first-year undergraduate students. Journal of Perspectives in Applied Academic Practice, 11(2), 62-74. https://doi.org/10.56433/jpaap.v11i2.529

The Design and Use of Questionnaires in Educational Research: A New (Student) Researcher Guide

Holmes, A. G. D. (2023). The Design and Use of Questionnaires in Educational Research: A New (Student) Researcher Guide. Innovare Journal of Education, 11(3), 1-5. https://doi.org/10.22159/ijoe.2023v11i3.47599

Research interests

My main research interest is assessment and pedagogy in higher education, and how assessment and assessment feedback may impact on students' approach to learning. All things pedagogy-related!

Postgraduate supervision

I will consider PhD topics on assessment in higher education.

Charity role

Trustee & Director of charity Hull and East Yorkshire Children's University


I have worked with Hull and East Yorkshire Children's University for over 15 years and have been a director and trustee for 12 years. They do fantastic work in the region around the university, helping the poorest children in their learning. https://www.hullchildrensuniversity.com/

Committee/Steering group role

Programme Director BA Education Studies

2020 - 2022

Programme Director for the School of Education's BA Education Studies

University Advisor for Hull ENACTUS group


Member of Hull University ENACTUS steering group

Co-chair of University of Hull Project Management Coaching Network

2005 - 2015

Established and subsequently I acted as co-chair of the voluntary PMCN group of staff from across the university who were interested in, and wanted to use, project management processes, tools and techniques in their work. As well as chairing the group I regularly ran a series of project management training courses for staff over the years.

Conference organisation

Universities Association for Lifelong Learning Conference organiser (Administration Network)

2004 - 2010

I managed a group of five people from other universities to organize the UALL (Universities Association of Lifelong Learning) annual Administration Network conference. Held each year at a different university campus venue, including Newcastle, Bath, Stirling, Scarborough, Oxford, Cambridge, Hertfordshire.

Conference presentation

'Fishing the Murky waters of assessment' mini-keynote

2024 - 2024

Mini keynote at the 2024 AHE Assessment in Higher Education conference. Presented with D Henri our initial findings from running C-BAss workshops at five different institutions.

Development of a 'Formative-Specific' assessment rubric for a masters programme module​

2024 - 2024

Development of a 'Formative-Specific' assessment rubric for a masters programme module​. Conference presentation for Leeds University.

Assessment purposes - contradictory or complementary?

2023 - 2023

Workshop on assessment at 2023 AHE Assessment in HE conference

Researcher Positionality

2022 - 2022

Conference presentation

Students' approaches to learning, the role of interest and enjoyment

2019 - 2019

Presentation at Sheffield University on the role of interest and enjoyment in shaping students' approaches to learning

Contemporary Students' Approaches to learning

2019 - 2019

Contemporary Students' Approaches to learning presentation summarising my recent research in this area

The role of coaching and mentoring in supporting the development of learner autonomy

2018 - 2018

Presentation about the role that coaching and mentoring play supporting the development of learner autonomy

Initial findings from an impact evaluation of the Personal and Professional Development Programme

2004 - 2004

Initial findings from an impact evaluation of the Personal and Professional Development Programme, Penrith Work-based learning conference and UALL Glamorgan conference

Consultancy/Industry advisory role

External Advisor for new programme development

2021 - 2021

Facilitated training course on problem solving for private company

2016 - 2016

Facilitated two one day training courses on problem solving tools and techniques.

External validation panel advisor for new programme development

2015 - 2015

Bishop Grossetesse University. Advisor/consultant for new degree programme.

External examiner role

External Examiner

2012 - 2015

University of Coventry

External Examiner

2009 - 2012

University of Lincoln.

External Examiner

2006 - 2010

Sheffield Hallam University.

External Examiner

2003 - 2006

Manchester Metropolitan University.

External examiner

1999 - 2004

University of Newcastle.

Membership/Fellowship of professional body

Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy


Fellow of the Higher Education Academy

2007 - 2015

I became a Fellow of the HEA when it was first established, subsequently became Senior Fellow.

Member of the Institute of Quality Assurance


Member of IQA. Have published articles in the IQA journal.

National/International learned society/body role

Chair of UALL (Universities Adult and Lifelong Learning) Administration Network

2005 - 2013

I was voted in as chair of the Chair of UALL (Universities Adult and Lifelong Learning) Administration Network. Arranged the annual conference, attended national policy meetings, disseminated information to members, attended government/HEFCE briefings about adult and continuing education policy, conducted surveys of UALL network members. I presented at each UALL conference.


Faculty Director of Teaching and Learning,

2013 - 2014

Acting role as Faculty director of teaching and learning, for Faculty of Education.

University of Hull Prince's Trust Volunteers franchise manager

1995 - 1999

Manager (as 50% of job role) for the University's Prince's Trust Volunteers franchise. The franchise did receive a visit from HRH Prince Charles when he visited Hull, and he met some of the young people we worked with.

Scholarship role

Trainer for the Knowledge Exchange


Running training courses

Senior Fellow of Hull's Teaching Excellence Academy

2022 - 2025

Working with Dr Dom Henri on an institution-wide assessment literacy framework, C-BAF.

Senior Fellow - University of Hull Teaching Excellence Academcy

2022 - 2024

From September 2022 I am working on a 2 year 50% secondment in the University of Hull's Teaching Excellence Academy. I am working with Dom Henri on a university-wide project to develop students' assessment literacy.

Invited speaker for Columbia University NYC

2022 - 2022

Invited to do online presentation about researcher positionality and reflexivity for Columbia University research staff

Programme Director for BA Education Studies

2021 - 2022

Programme Director for the School of Education's BA Education Studies

Book Proposal Review

2021 - 2021

Reviewed book proposal for forthcoming edition of Contemporary Research Methods in Education by Buckler & Moore

Researcher Positionality and Reflexivity in Research

2021 - 2021

Online workshop for research staff at Columbia University, USA

Yorkshire Accord Mentor


Mentor for Yorkshire Accord Coaching and Mentoring.

Course developer for global online learning organisation

2019 - 2021

Wrote and developed seven online courses for Qedex a private sector organisation global community for higher education professionals to continue lifelong learning. 2 courses on problem solving, [e.g. https://qedex.org/courses/problem-solving-tools-and-techniques-part-2/ ] 1 on Leadership, 1 on time management, 1 on research governance, 1 on research project management, 1 on coaching and mentoring [ https://qedex.org/courses/coaching-and-mentoring/ ]

Member of Hull university management group for Enactus


Active member of the Hull university staff group that advises the student Enactus group. https://enactus.org/

Validated programmes academic representative


Validated programmes academic representative for Hull college MEd and Doncaster college BA Education

Chair of University group on Teaching Observation

2017 - 2018

Chaired working party tasked with re-writing University teaching observation procedures.

Facilitated CPD courses on Problem Solving and Creativity for external organisations

2012 - 2016

Developed, planned and delivered courses on problem solving and creativity as CPD for private companies and NHS. Participants often progressed to register for accredited university courses.

Validated programmes academic representative

2011 - 2019

Validated programmes academic representative for Doncaster college BA.

Consultancy/industry advisory role

2011 - 2013

Facilitated bespoke project management training courses for cohorts of Hull NHS staff and for Odlings Ltd in Hull.

Externally funded research project

2010 - 2011

Secured £10K external funding from ESCALATE/YHELLN research project ‘Conceptualising learning and teaching for the new lifelong learning sector’. Data set produced, and subsequent conference presentations of findings. Data set is available in worktribe

Fellow of International Entrepreneurship Educators Programme


Fellow of International Entrepreneurship Educators Programme

Work-Based learning courses - knowledge exchange

2009 - 2015

Worked with industry to design, develop, accredit and deliver vocational education courses in the area of management, leadership and business performance improvement. Developed and Delivered 18 month Certificate in Continuous Business Improvement for Kimberley Clarke in Barton-on Humber, and worked with Corus Cogifer and their supply chain subcontractors and North Lyndsey's Kingsway Business Development centre to design and accredit courses in lean business improvement, enterprise and intrapreneurship (being enterprising within an organisation).

Work-Based learning with industry partners

2009 - 2014

Worked with Kingsway Consultancy in N.E. Lincolnshire to plan and deliver accredited CPD courses in areas of; business process improvement, lean manufacturing, problem solving, creativity, project management.

NGCE Enterprise Educator


I was on the very first cohort of enterprise education students - university lecturers who gained a qualification in facilitating the development of enterprise and entrepreneurship education. https://ncee.org.uk/

Developed online postgraduate project management course

2007 - 2010

Secured £10K from Roberts fund to set up an online postgraduate project management course which was mapped out against vitae.ac.uk criteria.

Externally funded project Enterprise and Entrepreneurship

2003 - 2005

Secured £15K external grant funding for the development and roll out of Enterprise and Entrepreneurship courses. These were subsequently delivered by myself to public entrepreneurs and new graduates involved in business start ups. The courses were very successful with some participants going on to become sole traders.

Development of continuing education interuniversity teaching observation scheme

2003 - 2004

In 2003 I secured external funding from ESCALATE for a project developing a peer teaching observation scheme for continuing education tutors. This involved work with the CE departments of Essex and Aberystwyth and the delivery of training sessions to part time tutors. Subsequent roll out and conference presentations

Managed major ESF funded project

1999 - 2001

Successfully managed and delivered within budget a £130K European Social Fund project under the PESCA initiative. Providing accredited education and training to people experiencing under-employment or unemployment due to the decline of the north sea fishing industry, so they could secure jobs in the tourism industry. Managed team of people tasked with developing and delivering open and distance learning materials for use as both stand-alone and facilitated face-to-face learning through part-time lecturers.

Co-ordinator for City & Guilds Senior Awards programme

1998 - 2003

University contact and manager/coordinator for City and Guilds Senior Awards. Developed and delivered personal and professional management development courses that were validated by City & Guilds. I used to Senior Awards Licentiate award to develop staff training courses for university PSS staff. I used the Graduateship award to develop free electives including 'Volunteer for Prison' which involved UoH students conducting research projects at a local HMP Everthorpe.

Major Programme Development and Management

1995 - 2005

In response to HEFCE 3/94 (the requirement to accredit liberal adult education courses or lose all funding) and at the request of the Registrar I proposed, developed and implemented the University Foundation Award (UFA) of accreditation for part-time courses in the Department of Adult Education (later to become the Centre for Continuing Education , Development and Training and then the Centre for Lifelong Learning. The programme rapidly established itself with courses throughout our region, covering Whitby to the North, Leeds, and North East Lincolnshire. It proved to be an immensely flexibly programme that allowed thousands of part-time learners to access a university level education, including work with the WEA and the TGWU.

Manager of Graduate Enterprise Scheme

1992 - 2003

I acted as the University’s manager of/co-ordinator for the Graduate Enterprise scheme, a HE version of Young Enterprise.
