Our Faculty of Business Law and Politics has partners located all over the world, read more about specific partners on our faculty page and contact our Global Hull Team for more information.
Accounting and Finance
Supplement your Accounting and Finance studies with a trimester or full year abroad. Study destinations may include the Netherlands, France, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Singapore, China, Australia and the USA.
Internationalise your Business and Management degree with a study abroad experience. We have many study destinations available for business students such as the Netherlands, France, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Singapore, China, Australia and the USA.
Enhance your Marketing studies and gain valuable international experience with a period of study at one of our partner institutions. Choose from study destinations including the Netherlands, France, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Singapore, China, Australia and the USA.
Students in our Law School can include an international exchange as part of their studies. Learn more about European and international law with a period of study in the Netherlands, France, Germany, Spain, or Croatia.
Politics and International Relations
If you choose to study Politics and International Relations at Hull we recommend you consider an international exchange to expand your knowledge and enhance your degree. Study destinations can include France, Belgium, Poland, Sweden, Hong Kong and the USA.