
Pre-sessional English

Our Pre-sessional English courses are designed to prepare you for UK Higher Education and to help you succeed in your studies at the University of Hull.

Choosing a Pre-sessional English course

Pre-sessional English courses are for students who hold an offer to study on a main programme at the University of Hull, but who do not currently meet the University’s English language requirements. We offer six and ten week online courses. The course you take will depend on the entry requirements of your main programme of study and your current level of English.

Students who have met the University’s English language requirements, but want to learn more about UK academic culture before starting their main programme are encouraged to enrol on Bridging the Gap, our two week summer programme to help international students transition to studying at the University of Hull.

What Our Students Say

Chutimon Dolwasin joined the Pre-sessional English Programme in the summer of 2023. In this video, she shares her experiences on the course.

Course dates and fees 2024

The application deadlines are the very latest we can accept applications if places are still available. If you would like to join one of our courses, we recommend applying as soon as possible to secure a place and to ensure you obtain a visa in time.

Apply now.

  Ten week course

Six week course

Start date 10 June 8 July
End date 16 August 16 August
Course fees £4,000 £2,400
Application deadline 27 May 24 June
Payment deadline 3 June 1 July


Entry requirements

To gain entry onto our on-campus Pre-sessional English course you will need to provide evidence of your English proficiency level by taking a Secure English Language Test (SELT) approved by UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI).


Main course requirement

6 week course

10 week course

IELTS (UKVI) Academic

(min. 5.5*)

(min. 5.0*)

(min. 4.5*)

IELTS (UKVI) Academic

(min. 6.0*)

(min. 5.5*)

(min. 5.0*)

LanguageCert ESOL


B2 High Pass

B1 Pass

*Minimum grade in each skill area. A maximum of two sub-skills are at the minimum grade.

You can find out more about the English language qualifications we accept here.

Online course

Success in our online Pre-sessional English programme depends on properly preparing, having the correct equipment and set-up, and being fully engaged in the class.

To register for this online programme, you must meet these additional entry requirements.

Course overview

Our Pre-sessional English courses help international students achieve two objectives:

  • Demonstrate the level of English required for their main programme of study.
  • Develop key academic skills in English such as essay writing, referencing sources, critical thinking, delivering presentations, and participating in seminars.

The courses are structured so that the majority of classes take place in the morning, so you'll have time in the afternoon to focus on extended learning and assignments. The 6 and the 10 week courses follow the same format:

  • Daily teacher led group classes.

  • Weekly one-to-one tutorial with your class tutor.

  • Extended group tasks with other students.

  • Access to additional practice and self-study resources.

  • Regular feedback on their progress and personalised guidance from your tutor.

During the course, you will be evaluated on how well you perform in the following areas:

  • Researching and writing an essay on an assigned academic topic including planning and draft submissions.
  • Responding to questions in a face to face interview.
  • Contributing to a group seminar discussion on an assigned academic topic.
  • Participating in the course, identifying appropriate learning goals, and reflecting on the progress you have made.

How to apply

Apply for our Pre-sessional English Language courses by completing our online application form.

For guidance on which course is most suitable for you, or to find out more about our Pre-Sessional English entry requirements, fees or course dates, email or call +44 (0)1482 465099.
