
Graduate Q&A: Choon Fuller (BSc Zoology)

At 18 years old Choon Fuller wanted a career working with animals, so a degree in biological sciences was the natural choice.

Having graduated with a degree in Zoology in 2018, she is now a graduate ecologist at infrastructure consulting firm AECOM.

Choon Fuller, Zoology Graduate

When you were 18, did you know what you wanted to do after University?

No. I knew I wanted to work with animals but I didn't know in what capacity.

What made you choose the career path you are on?

It just had a lot of aspects that I was looking for – a mix of office based and field based work with the chance to work with animals.

What do you like most about your job?

The flexibility and range of activities. It never gets boring!

hedgehog in a den

Q. What’s a typical working day for you?

Tough to say. A typical work day could be waking up at 2am to be in position to watch a bat roost for 2 hours before dawn, or spending the day walking through a woodland looking for badger signs, or sitting at a desk writing a report.

What can students do during their time at University to increase the chances of getting their dream job?

Volunteer! Do your research! There are graduate programmes and summer schools and internships if you know where to look. Join your local bat group or your local Wildlife Trust. If you put yourself out there you’ll meet great people who can tell you about opportunities you’ve never heard of.


Q. Have you got any tips from your experience on how to smash the application and interview process?

Glassdoor. Previous applicants will put questions they were asked on Even if the company you're applying for is not on there, there will be companies with similar roles where you can get a good idea of questions. And if it’s online have pre-prepared answers to questions open on your screen.

Why did you want to study biological sciences at university and why Hull?

I always wanted to work with animals so biological sciences just made sense to me. I really liked the flexibility of Hull’s course and the opportunities to do more marine and aquatic modules.

If you had your time at University again, would you do anything differently?

No, I'm really happy with the choices I made.

Q. How has your degree helped you in your career?

Zoology Graduate Choon Fuller

It’s been fundamental in giving me the field skills and report writing skills I’ve needed for my role.

Do what you love, or do what pays the most? What do you think?

Do whatever motivates you to get out of bed in the morning! I’m leaning more on doing what I love than what pays most.

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