Almeria field trip

School of Environmental Sciences

About the school

With three key subject areas – Geography and the Environment, Geology and Marine Science – our Department bridges the gap between human society and the physical environment.

Our research seeks to develop solutions to some of humanity’s most pressing problems, such as the climate crisis, human health and wellbeing, food security, biodiversity loss, renewable energy and creating a more sustainable future. By working within and across disciplines, we help to tackle these global challenges and deliver societal and economic impact.

This world-leading activity supports our research-led teaching, the quality of which is nationally recognised. We offer the following degrees: BA Geography, BSc Geography, BSc Environmental Science and BSc Earth and Environmental Science, all of which have Foundation Year, Placement Year and Study Abroad options, and BSc Marine Biology, which can also be studied at Foundation Year level.

Head of school

Professor Mark Anderson

Professor Mark Anderson


Cohen Flume Tank Laboratory

Take a Virtual Tour

Take a 360-degree look at facilities such as our flume lab, where you'll gain skills to help you understand how geological systems work.

Our community

of slides

Lectures that take you places

From local day trips, to residential courses in Europe, Africa, and Asia, we offer a diverse and stimulating range of fieldwork.

What do our students do on their field trips? What do they love about working outside of the lecture theatre? How does their field work start to shape their plans for the future?

Discover our Field Trips

Dive deeper

On our BSc Marine Biology course, you’ll train as a PADI-qualified diver during your degree.

Take the plunge

Find us on YouTube

Meet members of staff, hear from current and past students and watch our in-depth videos on our degrees and field trips.

Watch now

Field Trips: Barcelona

Watch: Follow our Geography students as they embark on their second-year field trip to Barcelona. Find out what they study while they are there, why field trips are so important (and fun) and why they chose to study Geography at Hull.

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Try for yourself

Watch: Join Dr Jonathan Dean and Environmental Science student James Cameron for a taster of Geography, Earth Science and Environmental Science at Hull.

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Chemical Ecology

We're studying the chemically mediated interactions of marine life.

Delve into our research

Student research recognised on Government website for World Environment Day

Research findings in Rosie Jaques dissertation project, which investigated bird populations on coal mine water treatment systems, were highlighted on the UK Government’s website for World Environment Day.

Find out more about Rosie's research


Our internationally leading research focuses on the interdependencies and interactions within and between physical and human environments at all spatial scales and across time-periods stretching from the Precambrian to the present day.

We have the first Earth Sciences programme in the UK to launch a Sustainability Award. Your learning is grounded in helping to secure the future of our planet.
Learn to scuba dive as part of your Marine Biology degree1
Environmental Science students can apply for free student membership of The Institution of Environmental Sciences (IES), and for a fast-track route to membership after graduation. 


1. Module options include PADI-certified Advanced Open Water Diver training (extra fee may be payable)
