Students on the University of Hull campus

Disabled Students Allowance

Disabled Students Allowance (DSA) is a grant available to UK students with a disability, health condition or learning difficulty. You don't need to pay it back.

Disabled Students Allowance helps to pay for any extra study-related costs that you might incur at University because of your disability.

  • Non-medical helpers and study skills for dyslexia and specialist note-taking support for sensory impaired students.
  • Specialist equipment you need for studying, like digital recorders or computers and assistive software
  • Additional disability-related travel to and from University

University of Hull students

How to apply

You'll need to apply to your local funding body with a copy of your medical evidence and/or educational psychologist's report.

Find out more about how to apply where you live:

If you need assistance completing the forms, we're happy to help.

You can apply for DSA as soon as you have applied to the University. There's no cut-off date and you can apply if you are already a student too, but the process can take several weeks.

Am I eligible?

The definition of disability is very broad. Use the links above to check eligibility criteria and if you're in doubt, please get in touch.

DSA is not available if your course is shorter than a year, or if you're on an Apprenticeship course.

What happens once my DSA support has been approved?

You'll receive a confirmation letter from your funding body detailing what has been approved and what to do next. If you need any further help in arranging your support, or if you're entitled to support from the University (such as one-to-one study skills tuition), please get in touch.

