Non-medical helpers can include specialist one-to-one study skills tutors, specialist mentors, assistive technology trainers and BSL sign language interpreters. Although there is a cost, Disabled Students Allowance can pay for non-medical helpers. And we can give you a hand completing your application.
Information for external NMH providers
If you are an external provider of NMH support for a student at the University of Hull please familiarise yourself with the information below which will ensure effective and safe working practices while you support our students.
Expectations of external providers of NMH
Providers of Non-Medical Helper (NMH) support must adhere to the Membership Standards for NMH providers as set out by the SLC. This includes ensuring that providers are suitably qualified. That relevant policies are in place, shared with the student, and made available to the University on request. The provider must operate under the Data Protection Act 2018 and GDPR standards.
Communication between the NMH Provider and the University is encouraged, this is to provide feedback on a student’s DSA-funded support and to ensure as far as possible that support is integrated with any support provided by the University. However, as some students do not disclose their disability to their University a student’s permission to contact the university to discuss their support must always be sought, preferably in writing and a record kept.
NMH Providers will ensure funding is in place before commencing sessions with a student, monitor the use of the allocated hours, and ensure that students do not run out of funding (The University of Hull is not responsible for any payments that Student Finance England refuse to pay)
Visiting and Parking
The University of Hull is located on one campus and support workers can familiarize themselves by taking the University of Hull Virtual Tour.
A campus map which outlines the range of facilities on campus and directions to campus can be found here.
Parking for visitors is available in our Wilberforce Multi-story carpark at a cost of £2 Per day. The car park is accessible form the north entrance of the campus and is clearly marked on the campus Map. Postcode: HU6 7TS ///cheeks.battle.booth
Access for Support Workers
External Providers are responsible for liaising with their students to arrange suitable meeting spaces on campus which are appropriate to the students' needs. Please arrange to meet your student prior to the start of your session at an agreed location.
All staff external to the University who are providing support should complete the Visitor form and provide the relevant ID (passport or Birth Certificate) which will enable them to have a visitor id card and access to University systems. Visitor Access can be requested by emailing in the first instance.
Health and Safety
We are a publicly accessible campus however please ensure that you carry appropriate identification related to your role.
When visiting campus please:
- Familiarise yourself with campus buildings in regard to
- Fire procedures for the building (as displayed on building fire notices).
- Accessibility
- In the event of a fire alarm you must leave the building as directed.
- In the event of an accident or emergency report immediately to Campus Security by calling 01482 465555.
- Cooperate as necessary with university staff and follow all instructions given
- Respect all safety signage and follow relevant procedures and directions given.
- Only enter areas that you are required to as part of your support work. Do not enter any workshops, laboratories or other similar hazardous areas unless specifically authorised by University staff and then only when supervision is in place and the appropriate safety clothing/equipment is being worn.
- Adhere to our smoking policy whilst on campus.
- Make yourself known to relevant lecturers, if providing classroom based support.
- Providers should add the following contact numbers to their phone contacts in case required:
- Campus Security: 01482 466868
- Emergencies: 01482 465555
Communications and Feedback
The Library has a range of services to help disabled students study. You can find out more here.
Please look at the accessible campus access guide for detailed information about accessibility across campus, including lecture theatres and student accommodation.
A wide range of support and adjustments can be put in place if you have a hearing impairment. In addition, we have hearing loops in many of our lecture theatres and service areas, and a deaf alerter system, in case of emergencies.
If you're a blue badge holder, you can apply for a free-of-charge X permit to park on campus.
If you're not a blue badge holder, you can apply for an AX permit if you need to be able to park on campus because of your disability. A registration fee will apply.
Email to find out more and apply for a permit here.
If you have assistance to support your independent living at home, or think you may need this type of support when you move to university contact your local authority's Social Services well in advance of starting your course. You should inform Social Services that you have an offer to study at the University of Hull and that you require a social care assessment.
Remember that you'll need to transfer any health services that you currently use. Get in touch with them so that they can help arrange to transfer this support to a service provider in Hull.
Moving to University can sometimes be daunting and may affect epileptic students, particularly during more stressful periods.
We have the Epilepsy Friendly mark, which recognises Universities that are doing more and providing better support to students with epilepsy.
If you need help with your epilepsy, get in touch and we'll do all we can to help.