Research interests
Design of Safety Critical and Dependable Systems
Dependable, Responsible Trustworthy AI
Safety of Machine Learning
Safety of Autonomous Systems
Safety of Systems of Systems
Model-based Systems, Software & Safety Engineering
Dependability (Reliability, Safety, Availability) Analysis of Systems
Model-based Automated Safety Analysis, HiP-HOPS, Model-Checking
Automatic Safety Argumentation
Optimisation of System Architecture and Maintenance
Metaheuristics, Genetic Algorithms, AI applications in Engineering
Applications in automotive, aerospace, rail, shipping & offshore, telehealth industries
AI applications in Art, Generative Art
Postgraduate supervision
Professor Papadopoulos welcomes applications in all areas of his research. The key requirements for PhD applicants are a good degree, strong software engineering skills, and an exploratory mind. Much of the work has extensive industrial applicability and is done in collaboration with large industrial organisations which are technology leaders in their field.
Despite the many applications of this work in the engineering of technologically advanced systems, such as electric and semi-autonomous cars, the work involved in those PhD projects does not require any knowledge of these engineering domains and is mainly focused on computer science, and the development and implementation of novel algorithms and tools using standard computer equipment and programming environments.
Current PhDs
- Connor Walker, Safe LLMs for Maintenance
- Razieh Arshadizadeh, Model repair in Executable Digital Dependability Identities
- Kuniko Paxton, Machine Learning Fairness in a Continuum
Completed PhDs (as first supervisor)
- Luis Torrao (2024), Timaeus - Tetrahedral Illuminated Media Augmented Scupltures
- Athanasios Retouniotis (expected 2023), Model-Connected Safety Cases
- Koorosh Aslansefat (expected 2022), Addressing Complexity and Intelligence in Systems Dependability Evaluation
- Ioannis Sorokos (2018), Generation of Model-Based Safety Arguments from Automatically Allocated Safety Integrity Levels
- Luis Azevedo (2015), Scalable Allocation of Safety Integrity Levels in Automotive Systems
- Zhibao Mian (2014), Model Transformation for Multi-objective Architecture Optimisation for Dependable Systems
- Shawulu Nggada (2013), Multi-objective System Optimisation with Respect to Availability, Maintainability and Cost
- Nidhal Mahmud (2012), Dynamic Model-based Safety Analysis: from State Machines to Temporal Fault Trees
- Amer Dheedan (2012), Distributed On-line Safety Monitor Based on Safety Assessment Model
- Septavera Sharvia (2011), Integrated Application of Compositional and Behavioural Safety Analysis
- David Parker (2010), Multi-objective Optimisation of Safety-Critical Hierarchical Systems
- Ian Wolforth (2010), Specification and Use of Component Failure Patterns
- Martin Walker (2009), Pandora - A Logic for the Qualitative Analysis of Temporal Fault Trees