Dr Dheeraj Paramesha

Dr Dheeraj Paramesha


Faculty and Department

  • Faculty of Arts Cultures and Education
  • School of Criminology, Sociology and Policing


  • PhD / DPhil (University of Leicester)


Dr. Dheeraj Paramesha Chaya is a lecturer in Intelligence and International Security at the School of Criminology, Sociology and Policing. He secured a PhD in Intelligence Studies from the University of Leicester for his study on the impact of India's intelligence culture on its strategic surprises.

Dheeraj is the author of the book 'India's Intelligence Culture and Strategic Surprises: Spying for South Block', which is the first academic work on India's foreign intelligence.

Besides academic research, Dheeraj has been imparting training to Indian security forces in the fields of intelligence and national security. He is the author of the intelligence training manual of the Karnataka State Intelligence. He has also been delivering training lectures to the Internal Security Division and the Intelligence Wing of the Karnataka State Police on intelligence, counterintelligence, radicalisation, religious fundamentalism, and counterterrorism.

Dheeraj's research interests lie in the area of strategic intelligence and counterintelligence for national security, sub-state conflicts, radicalisation and de-radicalisation.

Recent outputs

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India's intelligence culture and strategic surprises: Spying for south block

Chaya, D. P. (2022). India's intelligence culture and strategic surprises: Spying for south block. London: Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003296195

Journal Article

India-Israel Cooperation in Spy Satellites: Materialism to Idealism

Krishnan, V., & Paramesha, D. (2024). India-Israel Cooperation in Spy Satellites: Materialism to Idealism. Strategic Analysis, https://doi.org/10.1080/09700161.2024.2357516

The Sino-Indian War and the Evolution of Wireless Monitoring Capabilities in the Indian Intelligence Bureau (1959-1968)

Paramesha, D. (in press). The Sino-Indian War and the Evolution of Wireless Monitoring Capabilities in the Indian Intelligence Bureau (1959-1968). Journal of Intelligence History, https://doi.org/10.1080/16161262.2024.2311479

Profiles in intelligence: an interview with Vappala Balachandran

Paramesha, D. (2024). Profiles in intelligence: an interview with Vappala Balachandran. Intelligence and national security, https://doi.org/10.1080/02684527.2023.2291863

Proximity or Sycophancy? The Relationship between Intelligence and Policy in the Nehruvian Era, 1947–64

Chaya, D. P. (2022). Proximity or Sycophancy? The Relationship between Intelligence and Policy in the Nehruvian Era, 1947–64. South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies, 45(4), 621-636. https://doi.org/10.1080/00856401.2022.2044695

Research interests

Strategic Intelligence and Counterintelligence, Counterterrorism, Counterinsurgency, Crime-Terror Nexus

Postgraduate supervision

Intelligence Failures and Strategic Surprises

Counterintelligence and Security

Counterterrorism and Sub-state Conflicts
