Strategy 2030
Strategy 2030 sets out the University’s long-term vision and strategic priorities.
Strategy 2030
Education Strategy 2020 - 2025
This Education Strategy sets out our goal to exceed all our previous league table standings by our 100th birthday, in 2027. Our vision is to provide high quality, relevant and attractive courses for our graduates to thrive in a global community with the skills and competencies for a fairer, brighter and carbon-neutral future.
Strategy 2020 - 2025
University Charter
The University Charter, Statutes and Ordinances are the University's governing documents
Charter, Statutes and Ordinance and recent updates
Policies and Procedures
A register of the University of Hull’s formal documentation (policies, procedures and regulations)
Policies and Procedures
Annual Report and Statement of Accounts
Summarises the University’s most notable activities and achievements over the last academic year and presents the consolidated results of the University and its trading subsidiary undertakings for the year ending 31 July 2023.
Annual Report and Statement of Accounts 2022/23
Access and Participation Plan
University of Hull APP Summary
The University of Hull_APP_2025-26
Sustainability Report
This report presents an overview of the breadth of our activities to advance sustainability and how this work is contributing towards the delivery of our Strategy 2030 and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The information detailed in the report primarily focuses on our widespread research activities, as well as actions taken and the progress we have made during the 2022/23 academic year.
Sustainability Report 2022/23
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy
At the University of Hull, people are our biggest asset. Find out how we are committed to promoting equality of opportunity for all.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Transparency Report
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Transparency Report Accessible Video Edition
Inclusive Assessment, Marking and Feedback Policy
Our Inclusive Assessment, Marking and Feedback Policy (September 2020) outlines how we ensure all students can achieve to the best of their ability in assessed work, and is aligned to the competencies set out by the Quality Assurance Agency’s subject level benchmarks. It has been created as part of our University-wide commitment to removing barriers to learning, increasing social mobility and providing opportunities to people from all backgrounds.
Inclusive Assessment, Marking and Feedback Policy (September 2020)
Degree Outcomes Statement
As set out by the UK Standing Committee for Quality Assessment (UKSCQA) in their Statement of Intent, providers in England are expected to publish their Degree Outcomes.The Degree Outcomes Statement for The University of Hull covers final classification for graduates on Level 6 and 7 programmes and follows the guidance provided by the UKSCQA on producing Degree Outcomes Statements.
Degree Outcome Statement 2023-24
Transparency Return
The number of applications for admission to our undergraduate courses from UK students and details on their gender, race and socio-economic status.
Transparency report
GTRSB into Higher Education Pledge
We are proud to take the #GTRSBintoHE pledge as part of our commitment to supporting GTRSB students into and within higher education. For further information, please visit the GTRSB page here.
University of Hull GTRSB Pledge 2021
Student Partnership Agreement
The Student Partnership Agreement (SPA)* is a statement of the ways in which our community works in partnership.
Student Partnership Agreement
Course Fee Summary
Summary of course fees 2023/24Summary of course fees 2024/25
Ethics Framework
Ethics Framework
University of Hull Pension and Assurance (UHPAS)
A Guide to Your Benefits
Statement of Investment Principles
Engagement Policy Implementation Statement
Local Government Pension Scheme
NYPF Discretions Policy
Economic Impact Report
The University of Hull's 2021-22 Economic Impact Report: The anchor institution for our region, driving economic growth and supporting businesses here and across the UK.
Economic Impact Report 2021-22
Social Justice and Sustainable Development
Motivated by society's challenges and inspired by the power of our global community, we are shaping a fairer, brighter and carbon neutral future.
Our commitment to Social Justice and Sustainable Development
Gender Pay Gap Report
The University of Hull Gender Pay Gap Report.
Gender Pay Gap Report 2023
Gender Pay Gap Report 2022
Gender Pay Gap Report 2021
Gender Pay Gap Report 2020
Gender Pay Gap Report 2019
Gender Pay Gap Report 2018
Gender Pay Gap Report 2017
Student Protection Plan
As a registered provider of higher education, we must publish a Student Protection Plan which sets out how continuation of study will be preserved for current and potential students and an associated Refunds and Compensation Policy.
Student Protection Plan
Student Contract
Refund and Compensation Policy
Trade Union Facility Time
As part of the Trade Union Act 2016, we are required to publish information on trade union facility time.
Facility Time Report 2024
Code of Conduct
This Code aims to provide guidance to all members of staff and affiliates about what we believe is acceptable and best practice for our University.
Code of Conduct
Remuneration Committee
Senior Staff Remuneration and Severance Annual Report 2022 - 23
Senior Staff Remuneration and Severance Policy and Procedure
Data Protection
Please see here for the UoH Data Protection statement and privacy notices.
Data Protection