The HIKE Challenge funding stream is multi-faceted, offering a choice of schemes.
Intended length of activity for challenge fund projects is between 3-12 months, but longer projects may also be considered.
Key assessment criteria for this fund include:
- Clarity and feasibility of the workplan
- Potential and/or degree of innovative impact and KE (Incl. policy and practice)
- Link to existing research
- Suitability of proposed activities to meet external need
- Suitability and involvement of partners
- Timeliness
- Evidence of Impact
- Project Novelty/Creativity (Daredevil grants only)
Impact Starting Grants
Impact Starting grants are a special option designed for early career researchers (ECRs), offering much needed funds to create a step change in developing an independent research impact portfolio.
We expect projects to be in the range of £1k up to £5k, however requests above this suggested threshold can be made in special circumstances.
ECRs applying for an Impact Starting Grant should be within 5 years of their PhD, not including career breaks, time spent in industry, long term illness or maternity leave.
Co-design/production is an important route to impact, as stakeholders and users are engaged with projects from the start and the relationship between academics and stakeholders is seen to be more equal.
This scheme will fund co-designed/produced research and initial scoping projects up to £25k, with a view that this will result in an immediate uptake of the findings by the external partner involved in the application. It will also support activities that build the basis from which co-produced research can take place, such as sharing of data.
Wherever possible, projects activities should be co-funded with by partner(s).
External organisations can provide up to 50% matched funding towards this scheme and which this can be in monetary value or in kind, also reflective of affordability and ownership of outputs agreed.
The public and third sector can receive up to 100% of the costs, though co-funding is also welcomed. though funding for public and third sector partners will be considered.
Daredevil Grants
For the academics with unusual project ideas, such as combining unique methods or radical approaches, that could generate more speculative, innovative and creative impact, then this funding stream is most definitely for you!
The Daredevil funding stream is tailored to suit projects that really push the frontiers of research impact. We are looking for novel projects with proposed outcomes that could be considered high risk but offer high reward, with KE enabled transformation at their heart.
Funding up to £25k, the expectation is that that University departments/schools and their stakeholders (in particular private sector organisations) will provide matched funding towards this scheme, which can be in monetary value or in kind.
The Challenge Fund includes work that will feed into Strategic Highlight Areas to create a 'Yorkshire and Humber Living Lab' (YHLL). The YHLL is a new idea, a planned virtual co-creative cluster, which will focus on collaboration with a broad variety of regional partners and stakeholders. This aligns to our place-based and civic strategies, driven by external need, and will feature annual priority themes that will enable the greatest positive change, identified by the cluster, including HIKE partners' strategic challenges.
Please note - projects focused on Policy Engagement and Evidence are encouraged within all our streams and applications from the Arts and Humanities and Medical Sciences are particularly welcomed.
Our HIKE Delivery Team will be able to advise you whether your suggested activity fits this scheme, and are here to help you develop your application, contact: