'A Day in the Life of the NHS'


University of Hull healthcare graduates boost to local NHS

Hundreds of University of Hull healthcare graduates, who will be celebrating their graduation next week, are set to provide a boost to the NHS – and the majority are working for local health services and hospitals.

Nearly 400 nurses, and other allied health students such as midwives, operating department practitioners*, and paramedics are graduating as part of the University’s degree ceremonies (Monday 17 July to Thursday 20). More than 160 Hull York Medical School graduates (MB BS Medicine) will also be graduating at the afternoon ceremony on Wednesday 19 July 2023.

The graduation ceremonies are testimony to the fact the University is developing skilled, knowledgeable and compassionate healthcare professionals to provide high-quality care.


Graduation 2023 sees nearly 2,500 students graduate in nine ceremonies at Hull’s Bonus Arena, joined by more than 12,000 guests across four days of the University’s graduation ceremonies.

Deborah Robinson, Interim Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences, said: “I am delighted to be presenting the graduands for the first time this year. We are enormously proud of each and everyone of them and the positive impact they will have in health and social care and wider associated employment.

We thank their families and friends for their tremendous support whilst as students; it is never an easy time. We know that they leave the University as competent professionals and look forward to welcoming them back as alumni.

Deborah Robinson

Professor Una Macleod, Dean of Hull York Medical School, said: “We are extremely proud of all of those students graduating. It has been a real privilege to be part of their journey and support them in becoming confident, compassionate and exceptional doctors. We wish them all well as they enter the NHS workforce and know they will deliver the very best care to patients and their families in our region and further afield.”

The breadth of the University of Hull’s healthcare courses continues to grow – we now offer a range of healthcare apprenticeships and graduates from the degree course to train much-needed physiotherapists, which began in 2020, will graduate this month.

The BSc Physiotherapy degree, along with MSc in Nutrition and Dietetics, further strengthens the University’s healthcare provision and was developed at the specific request of local healthcare providers to meet a critical shortage of physiotherapists.

This follows the successful launch of BSc Paramedic Science in 2017 to meet a local shortage of paramedics – part of the University’s mission to improve the health of people living in the region and beyond.

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Healthcare and graduates from other faculties will also be joined by the University of Hull’s Honorary Graduates this year.

The achievements of honorary graduands include the outstanding work of University of Hull graduate and avid campaigner Jill Clark and sporting legend Carol Thomas BEM who will be recognised with an honorary degree from the University, amongst other impressive individuals.

Jeremy Trevathan, Managing Director at Pan Macmillan, one of the UK’s oldest and largest general book publishers, will also be receiving an honorary degree. He has also been a key supporter of the University’s award-winning LGBTQ+ scholarships for undergraduates, in memory of his former partner Jeremy Round. Read more here.

Alongside University of Hull graduate Praveen Randhawa, who has run several nationwide public education campaigns while being a true champion for diversity and women’s empowerment, as well as Hull-born Maurice Rutherford. Maurice began writing poetry in his mid-50s and he’s since seen great success with his published volumes of work.

Dr Susie Lum and Ben Morrin will also be in attendance to receive their honorary degrees. Dr Susie Lim has worked her way up in nursing and has been greatly awarded by numerous universities and organisations worldwide. Her work is routinely praised due to her leadership commitments in the nursing industry.

Ben Morrin, another University of Hull graduate, is now the Director of Integration at NHS England and he’s leading the design and development of the healthcare system following extensive work in health and public services.

* Operating department practitioners provide care in the operating theatre environment before, during and after surgery.

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